What's wrong with Chinese cabbage?

There are two common cases of Chinese cabbage rotten heart. One is soft rot, which usually occurs when the cabbage is still relatively warm, and the cabbage is harmed by insects and spreads soft rot bacteria. The rotten part is wet and sticky. There is als-----!

New greenhouses need "three pipes"

Newly built greenhouses have less pathogens, but the new greenhouses are all virgin land, which needs to be fertilized reasonably to activate the soil. After the new shed is built, it is necessary to plan in advance, give full play to the advantages of the-----!

Key points of okra field management

1. Clever application of top dressing: Okra has a long growth period, and its tender fruit harvest period can be as long as 100 days. Therefore, in addition to applying plantar fertilizer before planting, topdressing should be applied in time. That is, aft-----!