What is good for high blood pressure?

Hypertension is a common and frequently-occurring disease, and it is often difficult to completely cure, that is, or has been completely cured. If once the mood fluctuates, or eats something inappropriate, it will soon recur. Experts advise: Hypertension is not a very terrible disease, as

Feeding fish with bad residue requires attention

Distillers grains It is a by-product of the wine industry. The nutritional value varies according to the raw materials, and is superior to breweries. The distiller's grains have a rich aroma and can attract fish and increase appetite. Distiller's grains can also be used to cultivat

Three delicious pork loin dishes

Fried shrimp waist

Ingredients: 100 g net shrimp, 2 pig kidneys (weighing about 300 g), 50 g green peppers, 50 g water-fed magnolia tablets, 250 g lard oil (75 g actual consumption), half egg, 5 g dry starch, water Starch 25g, rice wine 10g, vinegar 5g, sugar 5g, salt 5g, monosodiu

Improve baby's cold resistance from diet

Baby cold diet strategy

To enhance cold resistance, vitamins are indispensable. The cold climate in winter has accelerated the oxidation function of the baby's body. The metabolism of vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 has also been significantly accelerated. It is necessary to pay atte

Occurrence and Prevention of Celery Heart Disease

1, the symptoms of the disease

Heartburn, also known as heart rot, mainly harms the heart. In the early stage of disease, the soft tissue of the heart-leaf growing point changed from green to brown, and then extended to the heart and leaves with coke. Subsequently, the celery root

Autumn cough? Bowl of white radish juice

Diet I: squeeze some white radish juice

Add fresh white radish to a small amount of water and squeeze it into juice. Note that the skin of the white radish should be removed, or the mouthfeel is too hot, and the stimulation of the stomach is also strong. The general elderly spleen