What is good for coughing?

Staying in the air-conditioned room for a long time, the immunity is easy to drop, the body will also appear with a variety of symptoms, the disease is usually invisible to others, only you know, but some people can hear the disease, for example, cough Coughing causes pain to the patient a

How to distinguish between good and bad chicks

Generally, the choice of the newborn chicks can be based on the following performance: For crickets, crickets, cripples, deformed chicks and too small, too weak chicks should be eliminated. According to the characteristics of each species, strict selection according to requirements.

Boar selection and management

Boar estrus and breeding

Wild boars are coarse and thin, usually grey or gray-yellow. Adult sows weigh 90 to 130 kilograms and are sensitive to the external environment. Female wild boar nipples generally have 6 to 7 pairs, with an annual output of 2.5 tires, generally 10 to 15 per

Good feed on watermelon rind

Feeding fingerlings with watermelon rind, good palatability, easy digestion and absorption. Moreover, the use of rind rind raises feed sources, reduces production costs by 15% to 20%, and reduces environmental pollution. There are two common ways to use fresh and dry feeds:


Autumn cattle and sheep feed two materials

Avoid feeding dew grass in autumn, and the weather turns cold. Dew beads often hang on grass blades in the early morning and evening. Eating cattle and sheep can cause rumen bloat. Therefore, grazing cattle and sheep in the morning to wait for the sun to rise, the dew disappeared after the