Generally, Angelica is used as a decoction or decoction for drinking. The dosage of decoction is 4.5 to 9g.
Angelica can also be used as a raw material for medicinal meals, such as "Danggui glutinous rice porridge" can be detoxification, blood circulation, pain, spleen and dampness. For sore throat, hot cough, upset and thirsty. The specific approach is: cut the angelica into slices, cook for 30 minutes, add glutinous rice and glutinous rice into the porridge after slag, and add honey after eating the pan.
"Danggui Rice Congee" has the functions of blood circulation, blood circulation, pain relief, and laxative. The specific approach is: Take 15 grams of Angelica every day, soak in warm water for a while, add 200 ml of water, fry the gravy about 100 ml, remove the juice from the slag, add 50 grams of glutinous rice, 5 red dates, amount of sugar, add about 300 ml of water , cook until the rice soup is thick. Daily morning and evening fasting, warm Dayton clothes, 10 days for a course of treatment.
"Danggui Chicken Soup" has the effect of nourishing blood and cooling blood. Method: First slaughter the black-bone chicken, go to the hair and internal organs, cut into pieces; Angelica, habitat, paeonol, safflower, pangolins wrapped with net gauze. Put the chicken pieces and the medicine package into the pot, add ginger, salt and fresh water, stew until the chicken is cooked.

Angelica's diet

Umbelliferae root of angelica. Produced in Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan and other provinces. At the end of the fall, excavation, shuigen, silt, smoke and smoke dried. Slicing, or stir-fry.
[Performance] sweet, spicy, warm. Can blood, blood, regulate menstruation, relieve pain, intestines.
Contains volatile oil, the main components of which are ligusticum, n-butene, lactone, angelica, etc.; and contain ferulic acid, nicotinic acid, sucrose, polysaccharides, various amino acids, vitamins B12, E, and fierce, zinc. , copper, nickel and other trace elements.
[Use] for blood deficiency, pale complexion, dizziness, palpitations; blood deficiency, or both stagnation of irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea; Deficiency abdominal pain, angina pectoris, rheumatism, bruises, etc. Card; intestinal dry constipation; cough and asthma.
[usage] 5~15g a day. Decoction, dip, decoction, and dishes.
[Note] When using this product to promote blood circulation, the wine should be fried.
[attached party]
1, Angelica burning mutton: Angelica, dried yellow each 15g, ginger 10g, mutton 250g. Lamb, wash, cut into pieces, fry until oily white, add Chinese medicine, add water, salt, wine, etc., and simmer until the mutton is cooked. Drink soup to eat meat.
Originated from "Qian Jin Yao Fang." This side to lamb, angelica, tonic and blood tonic, dry ginger warm stomach. For blood deficiency, or cold abdominal pain.
2, angelica mutton soup: Angelica, Codonopsis each 15g, Astragalus 30g, ginger 10g, mutton 500g. Lamb slices, all medical gauze dressing, add boiling water together until the meat cooked. Drink soup to eat meat.
Originated from "Ji Sheng Fang". This side to the reference, qi qi, mutton blood, angelica blood circulation, pain, ginger warm stomach. For postpartum blood deficiency, fever spontaneous sweating, limb pain.
3, Angelica blood soup: Angelica 10g, Astragalus 60g. Jianshui drink. The amount can also be increased, fried into a paste to eat.
Originated from "Internal and External Distinctions". This party reuses the yellow peony root, the second is the angelica, intended to qi and benefit the blood. For blood loss after blood loss, or qi deficiency blood loss, body tired fatigue, dizziness.
4, Angelica wine: Angelica 30g, Rehmannia glutinosa 50g, safflower 15g, cinnamon 6g, sweet wine 1000g. Soak the drugs with sweet wine for 1~2 weeks.
This side to Angelica blood circulation, regulate menstruation pain, rehmannia tonic Yin, safflower, cinnamon Huoxue pass, viable wine with viable. For blood deficiency, or with the closure of the stagnation, irregular menstruation.
5, return to honey syrup: Angelica, Astragalus each 30g, dried tangerine peel 10g, hemp seed 100g, honey amount. The hemp kernels were crushed, and the first three drugs were added with water to decoction the sap, then fry until thick, and the same amount of decocted honey was added to stir and dissolve. Eat 1 to 2 spoons each time.
This party uses yellow peony to make up qi, angelica, honey, and hemp on the intestine, as well as using Chenpi qi. For the elderly qi deficiency, intestinal constipation difficult, less gas spontaneous.
Facial mask

Angelica can be formulated with a variety of facial mask powders to provide a wrinkle-removing and moisturizing skin.

First, wrinkle mask material: Angelica, Poria, Angelica, Angelica, almonds, Placenta, honey.
1. Pulverize the white peony root, alfalfa, angelica, white peony, almond, and Placenta into powder and mix them all together.
2. Add the appropriate amount of water to these powders and mix them into a paste. Add a little honey and mix well.
3. Wash your face and apply mask on your face. Wash it after 20 minutes.
Small reminder: If your skin is oily, you can use water instead of honey to make your face look greasy.
Second, Angelica moisturizing facial mask effect: blood activating skin, moisturizing moisturizing materials: angelica 9 grams, 9 grams of Angelica, licorice 3 grams, 1 egg yolk, distilled water 10 ml 1. Chinese herbal medicines were studied as fine powder.
2. Beat the egg into the bowl and remove the protein. Use only the egg yolk.
3. Stir the well-mixed Chinese medicine powder and egg yolk and adjust the concentration with distilled water.
4. Evenly apply to face, avoid development, eyebrows. Apply 20-30 minutes to the surface and rinse with water. Angelica Angelica Angelica Angelica 30 grams, 30 grams of Chuanxiong, Angelica 130 grams, Motherwort 30 grams, 15 grams of ebony. Put the Angelica powder in a bottle. Once a night, once every 15-20 days, skin care products should be based on moist and nutritious.
5, In addition there are angelica and the role of treatment of hair loss usage is: Angelica 50 grams, add appropriate amount of water boiling 2 times, boiling 1000 ml filter, the container can be enamel, ceramic, and glass, no iron and aluminum, facial decoction 蘸搽The scalp is shampooed after shampooing.

Use tips

1, take 10-20 grams of boiled water every time, although the taste of Chinese medicine is more, but because of ultra-fine, good absorption, Angelica nutrition is the most comprehensive, is the best way of blood and Qi anti-aging.
2, Angelica powder 5 grams + pure water, adjust the paste for a face, beauty whitening, anti-aging.
Superfine angelica powder 3, Angelica powder + Angelica powder + pure water. It can be whitened, anti-aging, and increase skin elasticity.
4, Sesame Angelica powder black sesame (fried), Angelica powder 250 grams, eat a spoonful after each meal, eat three times a day. With nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing and emollient effect.
5, pearl powder + Angelica powder (with Angelica ground into powder) + honey + yogurt into a paste. Stay for 25 minutes to wash away. (A friend can also add mung bean powder Oh! Even if only once can also Feel the effect!
Angelica contains 17 amino acids, including 7 amino acids that are essential for the body but cannot be synthesized. Contains 23 inorganic elements, of which 16 are essential for the human body, such as calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron and so on. Not only can you make facial masks, you can also eat them.
Mask: Angelica powder added to any mask, have a whitening effect.

Chinese herbal medicine source

This product is only available in the "Ben". It is the root of Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels, a multi-year herb of the Umbelliferae family. It is mainly produced in Ganxian County (Qinzhou) in the southeastern part of Gansu Province. The yield is good and the quality is good; followed by Shaanxi Province, Sichuan Province, and Yunnan Province.

Harvesting and processing: Digging at the end of autumn to remove fibrous roots and sediment. After the water evaporates slightly, it is bundled into small sheds and put on sheds, slowly dried with smoke. Slice the slices, or slice them separately. Use raw or fried wine.

Chinese medicine specifications: The commodity is divided into several grades or mixed. The main root is thick, long, oily, yellowish-brown on the outside, and the cross-section is yellowish-white and odor-rich; the main root is short, the roots are numerous, the cross-section is red-brown, and the smell is weak; the firewood is heavy, the dry oil is low, or The person with green brown section is not available for medicinal purposes.

Tropism of taste: Gan, Xin, warm. Liver, heart, spleen.

Efficacy application: blood and blood circulation, menstrual pain, laxative. Indications blood deficiency chlorosis, dizziness, heart palpitations, irregular month, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, cold abdominal pain, bruises, rheumatism, sore ulcers, intestinal dry constipation, cough and asthma.

Herbal usage: Decoction, 5 ~ 15g. Generally used to enhance blood circulation, the wine is fried. In addition, blood is often used with Angelica, blood is given with Angelica Tail, and blood is used for blood circulation.

Angelica fits the crowd and how to eat it:

1. Suitable for irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea, lack of blood, headache dizziness, constipation.

2. Those who suffer from heat-heavy hemorrhage are forbidden, and those who are full of wetness and stools are evacuated and pregnant women are careful.

Angelica diet effect:

Angelica is sweet, pungent, slightly bitter, and warm; the liver, heart, spleen; Xiang Yu line scattered, can rise or fall;

With blood, blood, regulate menstruation pain, laxative effect;

Indications of blood deficiency, blood stasis syndrome; dizziness headache, heart palpitations, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia, coagulation, chilly abdominal pain, sputum, palatal diarrhea, heavy, intestinal dry, difficult to fall, swelling and pain , sore ulcers.

Angelica practice guide:

1. It is mainly added to porridge and soup in the form of adjuvant therapy.

2. Generally used to boost blood circulation and stir-fried wine. And usually blood should be due to return, blood should be Angelica tail, bleeding should Angelica charcoal, wine can increase the power of vitality; and blood (blood blood) with full Angelica.

3. Heart and liver blood deficiency and see complexion chlorosis, no claws, dizziness, heart palpitations and numbness, can be combined with rehmannia, white peony, Chuanxiong, then the power of blood is stronger.

4. Irregular menstruation, is a liver qi stagnation, has no regular basis, can be equivalent to Bupleurum, Angelica, Atractylodes.

5. Old and frail, postpartum, and chronic illness and blood deficiency, intestinal constipation, and can be compatible with Hempen, Citrus aurantium, habitat and other compatibility.

1, return to Wujiang chicken soup

Materials: 1 black-bone chicken, 10 grams of angelica, 20 grams of astragalus, 30 grams of mushrooms, and the amount of onion ginger.


Place the black-bone chicken in warm water, add the cooking wine to the fire, and remove the black-bone chicken after the pan is opened.

Put the chopped black chicken in a warm casserole and add the green onion, ginger, mushroom and angelica, and scutellaria to the pan. Add appropriate amount of salt and cook over high heat.

After changing the pot, use a small simmer and open the lid an hour later. Add the appropriate amount of white pepper powder and chicken powder and serve.

Angelica sinensis mutton soup

Angelica 30 grams, ginger 30 grams, 500 grams of lamb.

Angelica sinensis and ginger are washed with clear water and cut into large pieces with a knife. The mutton is applied to the fascia. After the bloody water is poured into the boiling water pot, remove and let cool. Cut into pieces about 5cm long, 3cm wide, and 1cm thick. Add appropriate amount of fresh water to the casserole, and then cut the mutton into the pot, and then lower the angelica and ginger. After boiling over the fire, go to the floating foam and change to simmer for about 1.5 hours until the lamb is cooked. Meat soup.

Efficacy: nourishing temperature, regulate menstruation pain. Applicable to blood deficiency and cold, see the abdominal cold pain, women with postpartum Deficiency abdominal pain, or Deficiency dysmenorrhea and other illnesses.

3. Return to sea bream

Angelica 15 grams, Codonopsis 15 grams, 500 grams of carp, cooking wine, green onions, ginger, garlic, monosodium glutamate, salt, soy sauce and the right amount.

After the fresh fish is cut back to the spine, boneless, visceral, head and tail are cut, and shreds are used. Then, the angelica and Dangshen are packed into gauze bags. Put the squid into the aluminum pot, put the medicine bag, and then add cooking wine, green onions, ginger, garlic, salt, and water. First with

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