Top spot: rich in protein, carbohydrates and fats and food

In winter, because of the cold weather, in order to enhance cold resistance, our body will automatically increase the secretion of thyroxine and epinephrine to promote and accelerate the decomposition of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, allowing the body to emit more calories. Therefore, the body's heat loss will be more in the winter, and the heat energy in our diet needs to increase accordingly. Let the children increase their staple foods properly. In addition, they must eat more legumes, beef, chicken, fish, and other meats.

Second place: Vitamin-rich foods

In winter, children are prone to respiratory infections and other diseases. If you can take enough Vitamins, they can effectively enhance their body's immune function.

Some of the major road vegetables in the winter, such as cabbage, cabbage, radish, bean sprouts, rapeseed, spinach, lettuce, and chervil, are rich in vitamins. Parents should be able to coordinate properly and change the variety of colors frequently to allow children to have adequate nutrients in all aspects.

If there is no supply of green leafy vegetables, you can eat more sweet potato foods such as sweet potatoes and potatoes. They are all rich in vitamin C, vitamin B and vitamin A. The sweet potato in the red heart also contains more carotene. Eat more potatoes, as well as clear heat, to the role of poisoning. In addition, the animal's liver is rich in vitamin A, but in the winter it is also necessary for children to eat more.

Third place: dietary fiber

Dietary fiber can regulate the absorption and excretion of food and maintain smooth stool. This is very beneficial for the discharge of toxins from the body. In addition, dietary fiber has a role in weight control. Therefore, let the children eat more corn, glutinous rice and other coarse grains, soy beans such as soybeans, red beans and spinach, celery and other vegetables, they contain more dietary fiber.

Fourth place: bacteria and algae food

Shiitake, Hericium, Tremella and other fungus foods and kelp, seaweed and other aquatic products contain essential constant and trace elements, such as phosphorus and iodine, etc., help increase the child's resistance and enhance the body's overall quality. In winter, children can eat more of these foods.

Fifth place: Runzao food

Radish has a strong qi function, can also relieve cough and phlegm, throat throat, reduce gas appetizers, in addition to dry Sheng Jin, cool detoxification. As the saying goes, "Winter eat radish and summer ginger, not a doctor to prescribe medicine," that is, radish has a very good health care function. There are many patterns for eating radish, which can be eaten raw, eaten cold, fried, or cooked.

Sweet and cold winter melon, there are heat and thirst, benefit water swelling and other effects, can be used for coughing, distraught and so on.

In addition, mushrooms, balsam pear, white fungus, etc., also have the effect of moistening

Proportional Extract

Plant extract is a product formed from plants as raw materials, through physical and chemical extraction and separation process according to the needs of the use of the final product extracted, to obtain and concentrate one or more active components in plants in a directional way, without changing the structure of the active components.

Proportional extract is the extract, liquid extract or powder made by the extraction and concentration of raw materials such as plants and animals. The number of raw materials before extraction and the mathematical ratio of the product after extraction and concentration generally do not have very clear composition and content.

1. According to the content of active ingredients, it can be divided into three types: effective monomer extract, standard extract and ratio extract;

2. Divided into glycosides, acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc.

3. According to the product form, it can be divided into vegetable oil, extract, powder, lens, etc.

4. According to their use, plant extracts can be divided into natural pigment products, traditional Chinese medicine extracts, extract products and concentrated products.

Plant extract ,Proportional extract,TLC,Thin layer chromatography,Chinese herbal extract

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