Straw fermentation to feed sheep

The straw is processed into nutritious grass powder, and the sheep loves to eat and gain weight quickly. Straw processing of grass powder, the process is simple, that solves the problem of storage of green feed, and improved feed utilization, the technology is introduced as follows.

Resisting aging women eat more young food

It is said that age is the biggest enemy of appearance. This is true. Once a person has passed 30 years old, traces of annoying years will slowly "erode" your smooth face. In order to retain the footsteps of youth, people who love beauty must endeavor to invest in protecting &quo

Warty crocodile warm winter management

First, temperature regulation

The optimum growth temperature of soft-shelled turtle is between 28 and 32°C, and the daily change of water temperature is best controlled within 1-2°C. Severe changes in water temperature will make it difficult for juveniles to undergo adaptive

What to eat in winter kidney?

In winter, it is easy to have kidney deficiency, so winter is the season when kidneys are most needed, but what is good for kidney in the winter? Below to help everyone inventory the winter kidney food.

1, cowpea: also known as rice beans, long beans. The nature is flat, sweet, can

Diet and Match Improves Metabolism and Constipation

Eat, drink and drink can also lose weight? Of course, if you choose the right ingredients and seasonings, adjust your diet, and combine different nutrients, you will be able to increase metabolism, burn fat, and balance nutrition. Below, Xiao Bian will teach you how to improve your physiqu