Circumcision of Fruit Tree

Cherry: The girdling time is mid-May, and the ring diameter of the ring on the main trunk or branch can be 1/10 thick, and it should be healed within 1 month;

Persimmon: Ringing time in early June, 1/5 of the diameter of the ring on the main trunk or the branches should be sufficie

Ornamental pumpkin cultivation techniques

Pumpkin is a cucurbitaceous Cucurbita, an annual creeping herb. Ornamental pumpkin is a fruit-shaped exotic species cultivated through natural variation and artificial selection. It is a characteristic vegetable that is both ornamental and edible. It is often used by the gardening community as

Hyperplasia of mammary glands

Hyperplasia of mammary glands is also a very common gynecological inflammatory disease. In the following, we recommend several therapeutic methods for hyperplasia of mammary glands. Not only can prevention be effective in breast hyperplasia of mammary glands, but it also has an auxiliary r

Protecting fruit trees after winter scraping

Orchard scraping is an important measure in winter orchard management. It not only helps prevent premature tree aging, but also eliminates wintering pests and pathogens in bark cracks, reduces the overwintering base number, and reduces the occurrence and harm of pests and diseases in the f

How to eat gastrodia

★ Herbal dietary spectrum

1, Gastrodia boiled eggs

Raw materials: 30 grams of gastrodia, 3 eggs, 1000 grams of water.

Processing method: First, add the boiled gastrodia tube into the pot and boil it for 30 minutes. After the egg is cooked, it can be eaten. …

Egg-fed cage cleaning method

In the breeding practice, the traditional method of scraping manure was changed to use a woven bag to pick up manure, which saved time and labor and sanitation, reduced the occurrence of ammonia gas, and increased the utilization rate of chicken houses. The method is: cut the old woven bag

Snowy weather, eat more black food

"Little Snow" is the second half of the solar calendar in November and the second half of the lunar calendar in October. "Snow" is a season of reflecting the weather phenomenon. The ancient book “Fang Fang spectrum” said: “Snow is cold and the snow is

Thick-skinned melons are raised

Thick-skinned muskmelon seeds are generally more expensive, and the off-season planting of the greenhouses must be focused on seedlings in a small area to facilitate management and cost savings. Winter and spring planting is the main facility cultivation mode in North China. Generally, it