Winter health care precautions

Winter health care must pay attention to the following issues:

1, the best time for health care. Experiments have shown that the biological clock fluctuates at 5-6 in the morning, and the body temperature rises. At this time, it will get up and be full of energy.

2, pay att

Angelica's method of eating

Generally, Angelica is used as a decoction or decoction for drinking. The dosage of decoction is 4.5 to 9g.
Angelica can also be used as a raw material for medicinal meals, such as "Danggui glutinous rice porridge" can be detoxification, blood circulation, pain, spleen and d

How to eat cinnamon

Cinnamon Xin, Gan, hot, kidney, spleen, heart, liver;
It has the effect of supplementing the fire to help the yang, bringing the fire back to the source, dispersing cold and relieving pain, and promoting blood circulation.
For impotence, cold palace, cold knee pain, kidney as asth

The correct way to eat black sesame

The results of contemporary medical research show that black sesame has significant health care effects. Black sesame is very rich in vitamin E, can delay aging; Run five internal organs, strong bones and muscles, Qi strength; can strengthen the body, longevity, nourishing the liver and ki

The eggplant is abnormal

There are many malformed fruits in the sheds inside the shed, resulting in reduced yields. Its main causes are as follows: 1. The use of hormones to deal with the time of the flower is inaccurate. Hormone treatment of flowers the best time only 3 days, that is, the day of flowering and 2 d

Advantages of fermented drowning (drip) feed

Lishui (dip water) refers to the residue of the leftover leftovers for cooking, low in cost, and rich in nutrition. Easy to collect, it is a good raw material for pigs. However, drowning water cannot be directly fed to pigs. This is because: First, drowning water co

11 unique health regimens make you sick

Liver Dafa is closing eyes

The people's gods can be consumed from their eyes. In ancient times, there was a health-giving method: When the eyes were closed, they would nourish the liver. Because "the main liver hides blood," the main liver. For example, dry eyes, eyes