Fried shrimp waist

Ingredients: 100 g net shrimp, 2 pig kidneys (weighing about 300 g), 50 g green peppers, 50 g water-fed magnolia tablets, 250 g lard oil (75 g actual consumption), half egg, 5 g dry starch, water Starch 25g, rice wine 10g, vinegar 5g, sugar 5g, salt 5g, monosodium glutamate 3g, garlic flakes 10g, green onion 5g, sesame oil 5g, fresh soup amount.

System of law: 1 kidney to open, go to the net waist, cut the cross knife, then cut into 2.5 cm long, 1cm wide block, into the cold water to soak the blood, smell, remove the control of dry water; shrimp into the bowl , salt, MSG 1g pickled, into the dry starch and egg mix, put aside for a while. 2 Bring the pot to the top of the oil, take the lumbar block and shrimp oil and take it from the pot; leave the base oil, stewed garlic slices, green onion, put the magnolia slices, stir-fried green pepper pieces, cook into the rice wine, and pour into the loin pieces and shrimp. Into the soup, transferred to salt, monosodium glutamate, vinegar, sugar, hook into the water starch, stir fry a few times, Drizzle sesame oil, pan pot.

Features: beautiful color, crisp texture.

Palace explosion waist block

Ingredients: 2 kidneys (weighing about 200 g), peanuts 75g, cucumber 25g, bamboo shoots 25g, bean paste 25g, sugar 15g, salt 1g, monosodium glutamate 2g, sesame oil 5g, rice wine 5g, green onion 5g, minced garlic 5g, Vinegar 5g, dry starch 10g, peanut oil 250g (consumption 75g), fresh soup 100g.

System of law: 1 kidney tore off the surface film, in two batches, go to the net waist, knife on the knife with a 1.2 cm knife from the distance, and then cut into 2cm square block, into the cold water to soak bloody water, remove and drain Dry water, put it into a bowl, put in dry starch and grab it well: cucumber and bamboo shoots are cut into 1.5cm squares. 2 pot lit into the oil, when the oil temperature Liucheng heat, put into the lube block oil, take; peanuts cooked with warm oil. 3 pot set the fire, chopped bean paste stir-fried the red oil, pour cucumber d, bamboo shoots, lumbar, cooked rice wine, fry a few, into the soup, transferred to salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, vinegar, add Peanuts, infused with sesame oil, and pans.

Features: crispy, sweet and spicy, ruddy in color.

Cockroach burst

Ingredients: pork loin 350g, parsley 100g (best to take the stem), rice wine 10g, salt 4g, MSG 2g, vinegar 5g, sesame oil 5g, garlic slices 5g, green onion 5g, cooking oil 250g (actual consumption 75g), water starch, fresh Soup amount.

System of law: 1 kidney to the surface film, go to the net waist, put on the wheat knife, and then cut into 3 cm-size pieces, into the boiling water and click out to remove; parsley pick clean, cut 2.5 cm long segment: rice wine , salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, vinegar, add water and fresh soup against the broth. 2 Set the wok on top of the oil, put in the lube oil, and pour it into the colander: leave the oil in the pan, stir the green onion, and slice the garlic, put in the lumbar block, rinse, and put it in the broth. Stir fry for a few times. Pot pots.

Features: red and green, musky rich.

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