Winter love "root" food is healthier

In winter, it is the season when a large number of root vegetables are listed. In the winter, you should eat more "big" root vegetables, such as potatoes, fleece-flower root, yam, taro and so on. Then let's take a look at the healthy "stars" of "root" vege

How to allocate 60 tons of food in one lifetime?

First, take appropriate food for each meal

Someone joked that the food a person can eat for a lifetime is a fixed number, which is 60 tons. If you eat every meal very full and eat more than others every day, that means you will finish the 60 tons of food earlier than others. Of cou

5 big tricks for fast food can also eat healthy

It is said that eating fast foods is not good for health. Recently, the United States "Yahoo Women's Network" published an article, published in the United States, University of Southern California specialist Dr. Peinski will turn fast food into a healthy diet trick.

Do you have three "tricks" for constipation?

â–  trick one: increase dietary fiber

Identification results: General usage. At present, the intake of dietary fiber is the safest and most effective way to relieve constipation.

Wang Xingguo believes that dietary fiber directly determines the volume of the stool in the