First, biological characteristics

The name of the golden mullet is O. lucidum (Trachitus ovatus), and its local names are Huanglao, Jinsong, Hongsan and Xun. Located in the tropical and temperate Atlantic coasts of the Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Australia, Japan, and the Americas and the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea in China.

Golden mullet is a warm-water pelagic migratory fish that generally does not form large groups and has a large body size. In june, juveniles can inhabit estuary bays and move into deep sea water when they become fish. Carnivorous, with small animals, plankton, crustaceans as the main bait. In the spring and summer, they travel from the open sea to the open sea, and in the winter they also swim to deep sea areas. Large individuals have 5-10 kilograms. Golden mullet has a large food intake, fast digestion, and rapid growth. It can weigh about 500 grams for half a year (see Table 1). Under captive feeding conditions, after eating for a short period of time, if they are fed with their favorite food, they are still fiercely contending. According to the characteristics of the rapid growth rate of golden mullet, choosing to increase the amount of feed in the fastest growing season of July, July and August of golden mullet can make it grow rapidly, reach the market specification as soon as possible, compress its growth cycle, reduce risk (See Table 1).

The ability of low temperature resistance of golden carp is not strong, the suitable temperature range is 16-36°C, the optimum growth water temperature is 22-28°C, when the water temperature drops below 16°C, the feeding is stopped, and the death is below 14°C, and the temperature is 9-10°C. The water temperature can be a normal life for a short period of time; goldfish can live in brackish water, has wide adaptability to salinity, and can survive in 2-45 海水 seawater, adapting to salinity at 2-23 ‰, suggesting salinity Generally not less than 12 ‰, but too high salinity will grow slowly. The pH range is 7.6-9.6.

Second, cage culture (deep sea cage culture and offshore cage culture)

1, the choice of sea area

Choose a sea area where there is a certain wind barrier or wind waves are relatively small, or where the water flow is unimpeded, the water body is fully exchanged, is not affected by the fresh water and pollution sources in the inner harbour, the water quality is refreshing, and the water quality environment is relatively stable. The depth of water is generally required to be 10-15 meters (after the ebb), and deep water cages can be installed in sea areas with a water depth of 20 meters or more. Generally, it is necessary to ensure that the distance from the bottom of the cage to the bottom of the sea should be at least 2 meters above the minimum tide. To ensure the success of breeding, the water quality of the aquaculture sea area should meet the following conditions: salinity 20-30 ‰, water temperature 18-32 °C, pH 7-9, transparency 8-15 meters, dissolved oxygen 5 mg / liter or more.

2, the choice of cages

Net cages for breeding goldfish are generally made of braided wire made of polyethylene material. The mesh size is 2.5-3.0 cm. The size of the cage can be adjusted according to the size and actual condition of the fry, ranging from 3m 3m 4m to 4m 4m 4m. In deep sea areas, deep-water cages made of high-strength polyethylene (PE) up to 20 meters in diameter can be used for aquaculture. According to the size of the cage and the different situations of tides and waves, a single cage can be fixed at a single point, or multiple cages can form a grid row. The grids composed of multiple cages should maintain a suitable spacing, and the general requirements are more than 3 meters. To ensure the smooth flow of water.

3, stocking specifications and density

The seed release time is from 4-5 months in each year, and the stocking specification is 2-3 cm. When the water temperature rises and stabilizes above 18°C, it is the appropriate time for the species to be released. The stocking density of the golden pheasant should be based on the water quality and environmental conditions in the sea area, breeding techniques and daily management levels, the source of the feed, and the output and specification requirements. In general, if you want to harvest as early as possible, the fry about 10 cm in length can be put in 40 to 50/m3 water bodies. If you do not rush to harvest, you can increase the density of the fish. The fry should be disinfected before stocking to kill pathogens and parasites; after frying, it is necessary to strengthen the early nutrition of the fry and enhance the anti-stress ability.

4, aquaculture management

(1) Feeding: There are mainly two types of bait, one is fresh fish; the other is artificial feed. Due to the smaller mouth of the golden mullet, the fresh fish must be fresh and crushed to prevent the fish from being stuck in the throat and being starved to death. In the days of 6-8 months, the amount of bait is more than 20% of the body weight of the fish and it is fed twice a day. At other times, the amount of bait may be appropriately reduced depending on the circumstances. In order to speed up the growth rate, the daily feeding amount can be increased by about 40% of the fish's body weight, and the number of feedings can be increased to 3-4 times or even 5 times. Feed requires the use of special high-quality compound feed for golden mullet, such as sea 1 brand golden mullet nutritional feed, feed feed reference packaging instructions.

(2) Routine management: The daily management of cage culture needs to be “five-minded and detailed”, ie, ground observation, diligence inspection, ground inspection, diligent washing, and prevention of disease, patience and meticulous feeding, and prevention of strong winds. Pollution, man-made accidents and other accidents. It is necessary to regularly inspect the cultured golden oysters and observe the fish movements, water color and water quality. Generally, water temperature and temperature should be measured every morning, evening, and night. The pH should be measured once a week and transparency should be measured twice. Sample length and body weight are measured every 15-20 days, so as to grasp the growth rate and regularity, etc., to determine the feeding amount of the feed, and to check whether the golden carp body has a disease.

In cage culture, cage cleaning and replacement are very important tasks. In cage systems that have been immersed in seawater for a certain period of time, shellfish, oysters, shellfish, and other algae are more or less attached. This hinders the smooth flow of water and the exchange of water to a certain extent, thereby affecting the growth of the goldfish and aggravating the sinking force of the cage system.

Therefore, in daily management work, network replacement and cleaning should be carried out according to the attached biomass and fish culture on the cage. In general, the net should be changed every 3-6 months. When changing the net, it is necessary to prevent the farmed fish from being caught in the net corner to cause scratches and death. The operation should be meticulous. Cage cleaning can be performed by high-pressure water gun spray, fresh water soaking, and exposure.

5, disease prevention

Fish disease is an important factor affecting the survival rate of golden mullet. Due to the high density of cage culture, once the fish become ill, the rate of cross-infection is fast and the disease condition is difficult to control, which may easily cause batch death. Prevention is more important than prevention. Prevention is particularly important. Therefore, prevention should be done in peacetime and fish diseases should be promptly treated.

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients refer to the raw materials used in the production of various preparations. They are the effective ingredients in the preparations. They are various powders, crystals, extracts, etc., prepared by chemical synthesis, plant extraction or biotechnology, but Substances that the patient cannot take directly.

According to its source,Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients are divided into two categories: synthetic chemical drugs and natural chemical drugs.Chemical synthetic drugs can be divided into inorganic synthetic drugs and organic synthetic drugs. Inorganic synthetic drugs are inorganic compounds (extremely elements), such as aluminum hydroxide and magnesium trisilicate used to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers; organic synthetic drugs are mainly composed of basic organic chemical raw materials, through a series of organic Drugs made by chemical reactions (such as aspirin, chloramphenicol, caffeine, etc.).

Natural chemical drugs can also be divided into biochemical drugs and phytochemical drugs according to their sources.Antibiotics are generally made by microbial fermentation, which belongs to the category of biochemistry.In recent years, many semisynthetic antibiotics are the combination of biosynthesis and chemosynthesis.Among APIs, organic synthetic drugs account for the largest proportion in variety, yield and output value, which is the main pillar of chemical pharmaceutical industry.The quality of API determines the quality of preparation, so its quality standards are very strict. All countries in the world have formulated strict national pharmacopoeia standards and quality control methods for its widely used API

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient,Chemical Raw Materials Api,Anti-Inflammatory Effect,Regulating Hormones

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