With falling temperatures, falls, frostbite, colds, and traffic accidents have become major factors affecting health. Large changes in temperature, easier to induce respiratory diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. From the prevention point of view, the elderly should reduce outdoor activities, and it is best to take care of other people. Pedestrians should try to slow down the bike or walking speed to avoid slipping.

Some people are afraid of the cold in the cold weather. When they go to bed in the winter, they always love to wear more clothes. In fact, this is not conducive to health. Because the brain and muscles enter the rest state while sleeping, the number of beatings of the heart decreases, the reflexes and tensions of the muscles weaken, and the central nervous activity slows down. At this time, people are relieved of their sleep and can quickly eliminate fatigue and obtain various organs of the body. A good rest.

Since human skin can secrete and emit some chemicals, if you sleep with clothes, it will undoubtedly hinder the normal "breathing" of the skin and the evaporation of sweat. The compression and friction of the clothes on the muscles will also affect the blood circulation, resulting in a reduction of the body surface heat, even if covered with a thick quilt, it will feel cold. Therefore, it is not advisable to wear thick clothes to sleep in cold winters.

When the precipitation is low during cooling, the wind is windy, dry, and the indoor humidity is low. Especially the use of a heater will make the indoor air drier, which can easily lead to rough skin wrinkles and even dry cracks.

Moreover, the air humidity is too low also easily lead to dehydration of the respiratory mucosa, mucus secretion decreased, weakened cilia so that the ability to remove the respiratory tract weakened, can not timely discharge of respiratory dust and bacteria, easy to induce and aggravate respiratory diseases.

In this regard, the use of household heaters should pay attention to the humidity of the room, it is best to have a hygrometer, in general, living in relative humidity of 40% to 60% of the environment is most comfortable, if the relative humidity is low, should do accordingly Adjustment.

For example, sprinkle some water on the ground, or use a wet mop to mop the floor, or put a pot of water near the heater to increase the humidity. If you maintain a pot of narcissus indoors, you can not only adjust the indoor relative humidity, but also make the living room appear viable.

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