Pigs four keys a week

One week after breeding

One week after mating is the critical period for egg fertilization and fertilized egg splitting. If the sow is over-saturated at this time, part of the fertilized egg will die, which will reduce the rate of conception. Therefore, sows should not be fed too m

How pig farms do a good job feeding piglets

Timing of feeding

Gastrointestinal pigs have insufficient secretion of acid and high pH, ​​which is beneficial to the destruction of the immunoglobulin in sow colostrum. The suckling piglets can obtain sufficient maternal antibodies from colostrum and maintain high-in

How to maintain the summer tractor?

In summer, high-temperature work coupled with improper maintenance can greatly reduce the life of the tractor. The summer maintenance of the tractor should pay attention to the following aspects: keep the cooling system clean, and thoroughly clean the tractor cooling system when the summer arr

Prevention of fly fleas method "three reforms"

In the later stage of late rice, rice planthoppers are difficult to treat, and it is difficult to occur in many peaks. In the late stage, paddy fields have no water layer, and it is difficult for the liquid to contact the rice worm body effectively, and the late rice planthopper is resista

Sweet potato late growth management techniques

In the late growth stage of sweet potato, it is necessary to do top-dressing, chemical control, drainage, and pest control.

1. Prevent water accumulation. Drain the ditch well in advance and remove the accumulated water in case of heavy rain.

2. The control is prosperous. I

High-yielding scientific method for laying ducks

At present, with the development of duck production in various regions, breeding ducks has become a good way for farmers to become rich. In order to realize the high yield and high efficiency of captive duck production, through experience and investigation, the experience and measures for high

What are the patterns of understory goose?

(1) Deciduous Forest (Forest) Goose

In deciduous forests, geese can sow ryegrass in open spaces every autumn when leaves are sparse. Gooses are bred in March and grazing systems are implemented. After the ryegrass season, weeds can be used as geese. Feed, geese can increase soil fe