Four "taboos" for women's diet

1. Do not eat too much fat

In general, women need to control total calorie intake, reduce fat intake, and eat less fried foods to prevent overweight and obesity. The standard for fat intake should be 20% to 25% of total calories, but many women now exceed 30%. If too much fat is ta

Health benefits of pumpkin

1, hypoglycemic

Pumpkin is one of the traditional hypoglycemic foods in China. In the 1970s, Japan reported the application of pumpkin powder in the treatment of diabetes. Over the years, many researchers have been working on pumpkin research in the prevention and treatment of diab

Healthy winter drink


A glass of fresh juice is best to choose orange, lemon, grape, grapefruit, if you have a juicer at home, kiwi and mango is also a good choice. The above fruits are rich in vitamin C (which can enhance immune function), so that you are free from winter infections (such as

Three phases of visits in broiler farming

The first week: the broiler brooding period the most critical, the temperature stays up late (the first 3 days remain at 33 ~ 35 °C, after 4 days 30 ~ 32 °C), the temperature deviation, the chicks are vulnerable to cold death, poor absorption of yolk, diarrhea, resulting in late The chic

Seven foods that can lead to infertility


Researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in the United States conducted research on 104 women who wanted to become pregnant and concluded that coffee has a direct impact on conception. Among these women, women who drink more than one cup of coff

Sow winter breeding management technical measures

To do a good job of sow winter breeding management and improve their survival rate is the key to achieve high yield and high efficiency of sows. Over the years, many livestock farms have severely affected litter size and survival rates due to the low level of technology and facilities during t

How to eat hot pot is healthy

First, the hot pot should be thoroughly washed before use. In particular, the copper rust of the copper hot pot must be removed to avoid copper poisoning. The main symptoms are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, shortness of breath and other symptoms.

Second, it must be boiled and boiled