In recent years, we have investigated in some major cotton producing counties and cities and found that the wheat production in the cotton area is undergoing quiet changes. First, the area of ​​rapeseed has been reduced and the area of ​​wheat has been expanded; second, the sowing date of wheat has been delayed; third, many farmers sow When wheat is not applied base fertilizer, cotton fertilizer is used instead of base fertilizer. Fourthly, during the heading grouting period of April to May of each year, wheat is often locally or partially lodged in lodging; Fifth, the area of ​​full-range sowing is increased, leaving no cotton Reserve cotton line; Sixth, more labor to go out to work, cornfield ditch management extensive. All these have brought some new situations and problems to the fertilization of wheat and need to take corresponding countermeasures.

The growth period of wheat is divided into seedling stage, tillering stage, jointing booting stage, heading and flowering stage and filling maturity period. The absorption of nitrogen by wheat has two peak periods, one at the peak of tillering and the other at the jointing to booting stage. The peak period of absorption of P and K fertilizers in wheat is concentrated in jointing to booting stage. According to studies, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in wheat is 1:0.3:1. For every 100 kilograms of wheat produced, it is necessary to absorb 3 to 4 kilograms of nitrogen, 1 to 1.5 kilograms of phosphorus pentoxide, and 3 to 4 kilograms of potassium oxide from the soil. The higher the yield, the higher the amount of fertilization should be. In view of the current status of wheat planting in the cotton region, the following countermeasures should be taken in the topdressing combined with the fertility and fertility regulation of wheat.

The first is that late-sowing late-matured wheat seedlings have to be sensitive to nitrogen fertilizer at the seedling stage of the nitrogen-recovery wheat seedlings. Late seedlings with late seeding have fewer tillering, less individual development, and the total number of seedlings per acre will be reduced, and the total number of seedlings will be directly affected. Increase in production. This type of wheat seedlings that are not fertilized with basic fertilizers must be grabbed and robbed to catch up with the topdressing of fertilizers, applying about 8 kilograms of urea per acre. The second is to apply top-fertilizer, applying 25 kg of ammonium bicarbonate per acre. Doing late with fertilizer, fertilizer promotes early competition. Third, from the heading to the milk ripening stage, in order to increase the grain weight, potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be sprayed 1 or 2 times, 100-150 grams per mu and 50 kg water.

The second is that wheat seedlings with good soil fertility and vigorous growth must be strictly controlled with topdressing wheat fields. The texture of the soil is good, and the fertilizer supply capacity is strong. There are more peach fertilizers added to the cotton used before, and there are more residual fertilizers. The temperature is suitable and the temperature is good. In the environment, it is very prone to prosperous and even mad. If you encounter the continuous rainy weather in late April to mid-May, plus the 4 to 5 northerly winds, such wheat seedlings are very prone to lodging. According to our many years of investigation, the weight of wheat lying on the ground is only 29.1 grams, which is 13.1 grams lower than that of Jianchang's wheat and cannot be eaten. It can only be used as feed, and the reduction rate is more than 50%. Therefore, for this type of wheat, it is generally no longer necessary. Apply fertilizer.

The third is to distinguish between different seedlings for reasonable promotion and control. For weaker growing wheat seedlings, the plant growth regulator 802 can be used for promotion, spraying 3000 times liquid, or using Huimanfeng active liquid fertilizer, and the spraying concentration is 500~ 800 times liquid can be used separately in the tillering and booting stage or mixed with pesticides, which can promote early tillering, early earing and early maturation of wheat. For excessively prolonged wheat seedlings, delayed plant growth regulators can be used to slow the growth and prevent lodging, one can use 25% of the chemmetropin or 98% of the shrinkage, 20 ml or 5 g per mu, and water 50 kg spray; 2 can be used 15% paclobutrazol wettable powder, 40-60 grams per acre, spraying 40-60 kg of water; three can use 5% uniconazole, 25-30 grams per acre, water 40-50 Kilogram spraying.

Fourth, the dredge farmer in the wheat field is completely reclaimed. “Wheat cannot be harvested. It depends on the ditch in the ground.” “The valley (rice) is in the ditch in the field.” It shows that with the unblocked ditch, it is beneficial to lower the roots of the wheat, which can prevent lodging and reduce disease. To this end, the winter and spring seasons should always pay attention to the clean up of the ditch, so that the water can be discharged, the dark water can drop, rain live to dry.

Food Additives

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