* Shrimp - The calcium content per 500 grams of shrimp is up to 250 grams, and calcium contributes to the excretion of lead.

* Milk - contains protein components that combine with lead in the body to form a soluble compound that prevents the body's absorption of lead.

* Bean products - contains a large number of excellent protein ingredients, can play the same role of lead and milk.

* Tea - contains tannic acid and other substances, can be combined with the body's lead into soluble substances, and excreted with the urine.

These foods can remove lead

* Carrot - contains a lot of pectin, can reduce the toxicity of lead in the body and reduce lead absorption.

* Garlic - has the role of resolving lead poisoning and can reduce lead harm to human body.

* Beef, which contains protein and calcium, prevents the body's absorption of lead.

* Liver of the animal - contains about 20 protein and abundant calcium, which is helpful to prevent lead poisoning.

* Vitamins - eat more foods rich in vitamin C, can inhibit the body's absorption of lead play a big role. Vitamin C combines with lead to form water-insoluble, non-toxic salts that can be excreted with feces. Normal people should consume at least 150 mg of vitamin C daily, and those who have been diagnosed with lead poisoning can increase to 200 mg.

* Fungus - has a good anti-cancer effect, and has the function of removing lead poisoning, regular consumption, can effectively remove the body of lead poisoning and other harmful substances.

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