I. Strengthening Management 1. Feed piglets with nutritious and digestible feeds to increase their resistance. 2. Careful care, proper cooling. The fever can be cold or rubbed with alcohol. 3. Care should be taken to reduce the temperature of medication, to give the piglets more warm water, the best sugar to drink salt water to supplement body fluids. 4. Do a good job in the management of housing hygiene and heat preservation and pave the grass on the ground so that the piglets can sleep quietly and rest enough to facilitate the recovery of the pigs. Second, careful medication Piglet cold fever, mostly caused by acute upper respiratory tract infection, but also mostly caused by the virus. In order to inhibit the reproduction of the virus, the cells in the body must replicate antiviral proteins. This self-protective response takes 3 to 5 days and it is generally possible to win with its own resistance. For this type of fever, it is harmful to use antipyretic drugs. However, if the fever is too long or too long and the temperature is too high, the consumption of nutrients and oxygen in the body will increase, and serious metabolic disorders will result. Excessive body temperature may also lead to convulsions, which is unfavorable to the piglets and must be dealt with promptly. Third, scientific treatment for fever piglets, to carry out scientific treatment. If the piglet is still in good spirits and has no other symptoms, it can be given some morphine hydrochloride tablets or Jingang hydrochloride tablets, which has a good effect on reducing piglet fever and eliminating the virus. In addition, herbal medicines such as Niuhuang Powder can also be used for treatment. Cherry trees are shallow-rooted fruit trees. Most of the roots are distributed on the surface of the soil. They are not drought-resistant, impatient, or wind-resistant. Therefore, the soil is fertile, water is suitable, and the aeration is good. Cherry trees have high requirements for soil, fertilizer, and water management. They must fully meet the needs of cherry tree root physiological activities and lay a foundation for high-quality, high-yield, and stable production. First, soil management Soil management should first lay a good foundation before planting, especially in the mountain orchards, requiring the development of horizontal terraces and digging large pits for planting. After planting, it is necessary to continuously improve the soil. In the case that the soil fertilizer, water, gas, and microorganisms are good from the surface to the deep layers, the sweet cherry root system is well developed and will be distributed deeper, which is conducive to the growth and development of the aboveground parts. 1. Enlarging or deepening mountainous orchards generally have shallow soil layers and poor soils, affecting the extension of the roots. Orchards in the plains are generally thick, but have poor air permeability. Deepening through deep holes can deepen the soil and improve ventilation. The combination of organic fertilizer can improve the structure of the soil, promote the activity of microorganisms, facilitate the growth of roots and increase the ability to absorb fertilizer and water. To deepen and deepen the hole: In the first few years after the sapling is colonized, start from the edge of the planting hole, expand outwards every year or every other year, dig a ring groove about 50 cm wide and 60 cm deep, and dig out the ditch. The stones, filled with good soil and farmyard manure, are gradually enlarged until the deep-falling ditch is connected between the two trees. The roots of the sweet cherries are also stretched year by year. The expansion of the caverns and deep plowing will not damage the root system until the root system is stretched. The time of deep turning can be carried out in the late autumn and early winter, after falling leaves combined with autumn and winter fertilization. 2. The cultivator loose soil cultivator loose soil is a measure of soil management during the cherry growing season, usually after irrigation and after the rain. On the one hand, the soil capillary can be cut off to conserve moisture, promote soil aeration and prevent soil compaction; on the other hand, it can eliminate weeds and reduce weed competition for water and fertilizer. The depth of cultivating loose soil is about 5 cm to prevent damage to rough roots. 3. In order to make full use of land and sunlight and increase income during intercropping orchard saplings, economic crops can be made between rows. Intercrops should be planted with dwarfs, and crops that are conducive to improving soil fertility, such as peanuts, mung beans, and other legumes, should not be used as crops that affect the growth of sweet cherries such as wheat, corn, sorghum, and sweet potatoes. When you intercropping, you need to leave a tree plate. The width of the tree should be 2 meters. Intercropping time is no more than 3 years, usually 1 to 2 years, in order not to affect the tree growth principle. 4. Covering the tree tray Covering the tree tray is to cover the weeds, wheat straw, corn stover, rice straw and other materials on the soil surface under the trees. The amount is generally 2000-3000 kg per mu. If the grass source is insufficient, it can mainly cover the tree tray. The thickness of the grass cover is 18-20 cm. Grass-covering time can be fixed before the rainy season by rain, so that the wind does not blow the cover away, and the rain can promote the decay of the grass-covered grass. There are many advantages of the tree tray cover. First, it can keep the soil moisture, reduce the transpiration of the soil surface, and at the same time maintain a relatively stable soil temperature. In the spring and autumn, it can increase the soil temperature and cool down in summer. Prevent high temperature damage to the surface roots of the soil. More importantly, it can suppress weeds, reduce weeding labor, increase soil organic matter, promote soil microbial activity, change soil physical and chemical properties, and facilitate root growth. Tree trays cover the most suitable mountain orchards. Earthy orchards and stubble lands with low soil quality do not promote grass cover, because the rainy season after the grass cover can easily accumulate water and cause damage. In addition, when fighting pests and fight drugs, it is necessary to hit the cover at the same time to eliminate the insects that are lurking in the grass. Second, a reasonable fertilization 1. Fertilization period of different ages and different stages of the cherry fertilizer requirements are different, 3 years of age below the childish trees, the tree is in the period of crown expansion, nutrient growth, this period of more nitrogen needs, should be nitrogen fertilizer Mainly assisted with appropriate amount of phosphate fertilizer to promote the formation of the crown. The young tree of 3-6 years old and early fruit period should transfer the tree body from vegetative growth to reproductive growth and promote flower bud differentiation. Therefore, we must pay attention to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in fertilization. Trees above the age of 7 years enter the full fruit period. The tree consumes more nutrients, and the amount of fertilizer applied every year increases. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are needed. However, potassium fertilizer should be added during the fruit growth stage to increase fruit yield and quality. In the same period of 1 year, due to the short period of growth of the cherry fruit, there is a need for rapid and concentrated manure. From leafing, flowering, fruit development to maturity, all are concentrated from April to June, while flower bud differentiation is also concentrated in a short period after harvest. This aspect requires the strengthening of fertilizer and water management in the spring. On the other hand, it requires the tree to accumulate many nutrients in the first year to meet the needs of early spring growth and flowering. Therefore, fertilization in cherry trees should pay attention to two key periods of fertilization in autumn and top dressing in spring. 2.Foliage spraying before leaf fall (September end of October), in the first half of the deciduous, can spray 2% of urea, when the leaves are thick, the temperature is low, no phytotoxicity will occur when the urea concentration is high, but The spraying time is after 3 pm and there is dew on the autumn evening, which is good for leaf absorption. The cherries are the same as other fruit trees. Before the leaves fall, the nutrients in the leaves will be dissolved into soluble state, and then transported to the branches and roots, so that the branches and roots will have more nutrient accumulation in the winter, which will enrich the flower buds and enhance the cold resistance. Ability is good. 3. Autumn Schiff base fertilizer in autumn, usually from September to late October, before the application of defoliation is good, early base fertilizer is conducive to the maturity of fertilizer, Hunchun can play early fertilizer effect, scientists are conducive to root healing, improve the absorption capacity of the roots Increase the reserves of nutrients in the tree. The application amount of basal fertilizer should account for 70% of the annual fertilization amount. The amount of fertilizer should be determined according to the age, vigor, the amount of results and the type of fertilizer. Saplings usually apply about 25-50 kilograms of fertilizer to each tree, and the big trees in the fruit-growing period are about 100 kilograms per applied manure. The number of high-quality chickens, pig manure or human excreta can be less, and the amount of compost composted with weeds, leaves, etc. will be more. The method of applying basal fertilization is to apply a ring groove method to the saplings. In the periphery of the canopy, the projectile is digged into a ditch with a width of 50 cm and a depth of 40-50 cm to apply the fertilizer. It is best to fertilize big trees with radiation, that is, to dig the radiation ditch 50 cm away from the trunk. The width should be narrow and wide, and the depth should be shallow. The width and depth of one end near the trunk should be 30 cm, and the distance from the end of the trunk should be 40-50. In centimeters, the length of the ditch exceeds about 20 cm at the projection of the tree crown, and the number of ditch is 4 to 6. The position of the fertilization ditch should be changed every year. 1. Circular fertilization 2. Radial fertilization digging and fertilizing fertilization 4. Top dressing In the cherry tree growing season, sub-fertilizer and foliar spray are two ways. Soil topdressing is the main method and can be pursued twice: once before flowering, the tree can be used for the cultivation of 1.5 to 2.5 kg of compound fertilizer, or 30 kg of human waste, or 1.0 kg of urea. After applying watering, the topdressing can promote flowering and leaf development, increase fruit setting rate, and accelerate fruit growth. After the second topdressing, after harvesting fruit from the cherry, it is the flower bud differentiation period and the flowering result. In the period when body nutrition needs to be replenished, 60 to 70 kilograms of feces and urine can be applied to each tree, or 2 kilograms of compound fertilizer. The above fertilization methods can be applied by burrowing, furrowing, or pouring into the rhizosphere with the water. The effect of top dressing outside roots is very fast, and it is necessary for the sweet cherry with a short fruit growth period, and it is also a supplement for the top dressing of soil. The top-dressing fertilizer is concentrated in the period from flowering to fruit ripening, which is useful for improving fruit setting rate, increasing yield and improving quality. 0.3% urea can be sprayed before flowering; 0.3% borax is sprayed during the flowering period; the fruit is swollen and sprayed with 0.3% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate for 2 to 3 times during the coloring period. In addition, it can be sprayed by Beijing Shunyi Opel Biochemical Products Factory, the United States Opal organic active liquid fertilizer, sprayed with 600 times liquid 2 or 3 times, the fruit coloring, improve sugar content and quality is very effective. Foliar spray fertilizer should be carried out in the late afternoon and the main part of the spray should be the back of the leaves to facilitate absorption through the leaf pores.

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