Suil seedlings are mostly seeded

The cycads, also known as the Tieshu tree, are vigorous and primitive, with hard and tall trunks and high ornamental value. In addition, the leaves, roots, and fruits of cycads can also be used as medicines, which have the effects of detoxification, pain relief, and decompression of Pinggan. A

Yu Weng (Figure)

Family: Cactaceae

Scientific name: Mammillari hahniana

Origin: Central Mexico Plateau.

Morphological characteristics: Plant solitary, spherical to elliptic, body light green. The diameter of the ball is 10-11 cm, with 13-21 cone-shaped ver

Chrysanthemum in Autumn Must Prevent "Three Diseases"

Chrysanthemum three diseases namely rust, gray mold, black spot disease, three diseases often occur mixed, affecting flowering and reducing ornamental value. According to our research in recent years, we now talk about the three diseases of the hair and prevention and treatment.
1, ru

Triangle flower

[Scientific name] Bougainvillea spectabilis

[alias] bougainvillea, bougainvillea, red dragonfly

[Orchidaceae] Mirabilis

Brazil is native to China and cultivated throughout China. Hi warm and humid climate, not cold, in the 3C above can be safely overwintering, flowe


Radish: Cruciferae radish is a biennial herb that produces a hypertrophic fleshy root. Radish is nutritious, with fresh water containing 87-95 grams per 100 grams of fresh product, 1.5-6.4 grams of sugar, 0.8-1.7 grams of cellulose, and 8.3-29.0 milligrams of


Ginger, ginger Branch ginger, alias ginger, ginger, ginger. Perennial perennial herbs. The roots are fleshy, thick and flat, with aromas and aromas. According to ginger skin color is divided into white ginger, purple ginger, green ginger (aka water ginger), tu

Puppet fish breeding technology

Otsuka, commonly known as the giant salamander, belongs to the genus Amphibia. There are two types of Otsuka, the Chinese Otsuka and the Japanese Otsuka. The Chinese giant salamander is a rare wild animal with high economic value. It not only has 27 times more nutrient and higher medicinal val

Pineapple powder

Powder pineapple, also known as the United States Ye Guang lotus lotus root, lotus pineapple, spotted pineapple, pink pineapple, is a perennial epiphyte often grassy plants.

Pink pineapple hi half shade environment, spring, summer, autumn should cover 50-

Five causes of farm machinery maintenance accidents

With the development of agricultural mechanization, the maintenance of agricultural machinery has increased, and various types of accidents that occur during maintenance have also increased. The main causes of farm machinery maintenance accidents are:

First, the preparatory work be

Turkey farming is promising

I. Status of turkey industry and market development prospects

Turkey, the scientific name of vomiting chicken, also known as the seven-sided bird, native to the Americas, is a kind of herbivorous food-grade meat with high-end game rare birds. Turkey is a wild animal in the Americas

Dazzling Beauty

Subjects: Cactaceae Nanan Jade

Country of origin: Brazil


Plants solitary, spherical to elliptic, diameter 6-8 cm, height 10-12 cm, body color dark green. With 13-15 round ribbed shallow edges. Radial week thorns 8-10; no thorns; new