Tomato is a thermophilic crop and its tolerance in cold environments is limited. When the tomato or nursery is cultivated in winter and spring or deep winter season, it will suffer from low temperature and cold when encountering low temperature or frost. When the greenhouse temperature is 5°C~10°C for a long time, the leaves will appear dark green or immersed, and the temperature will continue to deteriorate. At 5°C, the leaves will lose their green edges. In the sudden encounter of large temperature changes in frost (temperature below 2 °C), anthocyanin increased the leaves to show purple and wilting to death. In the low-temperature environment where the temperature is below 5°C for a long time, the plants will lose their green due to cold damage and become white-like, and the plants will die due to chilling injury.

This symptom is very easy to confuse with the symptoms of magnesium deficiency in tomato. Magnesium deficiency is caused by the lack of magnesium causing chlorosis of the leaves. Although low temperature and excessive N and P fertilizers may affect the absorption of magnesium fertilizers and cause magnesium deficiency disease, when analyzing the seasonal climate, when the temperature is low, if the leaves turn bleak, the first consideration should be given to low temperature damage. When the tomato lives in a low temperature environment below 5°C for a long time, the plants will be chlorogenic by the chilling leaves and appear bleached. In severe cases, the whole plant will die due to chilling injury. Starting from the seasonal climate, checking its management level and insulation measures, it will distinguish the difference between freezing injury and deficiency. Attention to timely symptomatic treatment can minimize unnecessary losses.

Freezing damage remediation: In addition to selection of cold-resistant, low-temperature, low-light varieties, the management of greenhouse tomato from the insulation to start, improve the greenhouse insulation measures are the main measures for the treatment of freezing injury. Thicken the thickness of the earth wall, increase the density of grasshoppers, and deduct arch sheds in greenhouses to raise temperature and resist cold. Suddenly encounter frost and cold, temporary heating measures should be taken to burn the coal stove or shop floor hotline. Chemical control can use cold resistance agent, or spray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

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Dongguan Vanilla Bioengineering Co., Ltd. ,