The right amount of feed is currently in pig production, the more easily overlooked issue is to pay attention only to the nutritional level per kilogram of feed, and do not pay attention to feed the amount of daily feed. Although the breeder can formulate the feed in strict accordance with the nutritional level required by the pig, the daily feed amount cannot meet or exceed the nutrient required for its growth and development, or extend the feeding period and reduce the feed utilization rate; or cause the pig to overeat and cause indigestion. Cause feed wastage. For this reason, scientific feeding must be emphasized at the same time as scientific ingredients in order to fully increase feed utilization. Generally, the feed amount of the finishing pigs is about 4% of the pig weight, and the weight of the lean pigs can be calculated according to 3.5% of their body weight after 60 kg. It can also be determined based on the expected daily weight gain and the expected utilization rate of the feed, ie, daily weight gain (kg) feed utilization (feed/gain) = daily feed amount (kg).

Moderate feeding According to the growth and development rules of the early growth of the pig, the fast growth in the middle period, and the slower growth in the later period, in order to obtain a higher feed conversion rate, a straight-line fattening feeding method should be adopted to shorten the feeding period and save the feed. At the same time, it is necessary to implement fine, green, and coarse feed mixes, and implement mixed-fed raw feeds; on feeding times, two-day meals should be taken daily to reduce the increase in energy consumption and feed dispersion due to multiple feeds stimulating pig movements. Loss.

Suitable temperature enclosures should be kept clean and dry, cool in winter and cool in summer, to create a suitable growth environment for pigs to reduce the occurrence of diseases, reduce consumption, and improve feed utilization. The pighouse temperature is preferably 17°C to 21°C.

Appropriate prevention of epidemics requires good prevention and control of pests and deworming, minimizing the incidence of disease. In swine production, a considerable number of pigs each year suffer from implicit waste of feed caused by chronic diseases and parasitic diseases. To this end, pigs should be well-prepared for immunization and regular deworming to ensure the healthy growth of pigs.

Timely slaughter pigs have different growth strengths of bones, lean meats, and fats at different growth stages. In the early period of growth (before 60 kg), the bones and lean meat grow faster and the feed utilization rate is higher; as the age and weight increase, the fat grows more than the lean meat, and the feed required for 1 kg of fat is thinner than the 1 kg long. The meat is more than 2 times taller. Therefore, the longer the feeding period and the heavier the weight, the lower the feed utilization rate. The suitable slaughter weight of ordinary hybrid pigs is 90-100 kg; the breed of native pigs is about 85 kg, and the cultivation is low and the uncultivated varieties are about 75 kg.

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