The lack of seeds or grain pods at the top of corn ear, known as baldness, is a common phenomenon in corn cultivation and is also one of the major causes of production cuts.
Reasons causing baldness: 1 genetic characteristics of the varieties; 2 improper cultivation measures. Some varieties are very sensitive to the planting density. When the planting density is too large, due to the poor nutrition of the individual, the field is closed during the filling stage, and the permeability is poor, the grain at the top of the ear can not obtain enough nutrition to form the baldness; the nutrition element is lacking. For example, phosphorus and potassium deficiency will also increase the corn tip, or lack of fat at the late growth stage of the corn. The grain development will stop growing midway, and the seed grains at the top of the ear will increase and become bald; 3 Poor environmental conditions. For example, high temperatures can also cause baldness. During flowering and pollination period, maize was subjected to high temperature and drought, the time for drawing silk was postponed, and the pollen flourishing period had passed, making the top of the head of the ear not subject to powder and baldness. Too much rain during the pollination caused the pollen to fail, and the powder particles were broken and died, leaving the female flower filaments free from powder and becoming bald.
Prevent baldness measures:
(1) Choose a bald breed. For example, Ludan 50, Zhengdan 958, Jinhai 5, Lingdan 18, Zhengdan 18, Denghai 1, Yuqing 1, etc.
(2) Reasonably determine planting density. According to the characteristics of varieties and physiological characteristics, a reasonable planting density was determined so that the individuals of corn were well developed and the occurrence of baldness was reduced. Such as large ear type or flat type should be properly sparse, and medium ear type or compact type can be more dense.
(3) Scientific fertilizer and water management. Do not lack of water, no shortage of fertilizer. In the event of drought, drought and water should be applied in the morning and evening to ensure that the corn has sufficient moisture in flowering loose powder or grouting; balanced fertilization, 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed later, and 1% urea solution can supplement the root fertilizer.
(4) Take artificial assistance measures. 1 Artificially assisted pollination. In sunny days from 9 to 11 am, use a washbasin or a paper container to put paper on the paper to shake the pollen of tassel on the paper. Then use a brush or a cotton swab to shake off the pollen one by one. The pollen is poured into a gauze pocket, and the pouch is beaten with a pocket. Artificial pollination can be performed 2 or 3 times. 2 Interlaced males. That is to go to one line to stay one line, you can also emasculated, that is to leave one strain. This will enhance light, reduce nutrient consumption, and promote the top of the grain full, and also conducive to scattered pollen on the pollen, improve pollination rate. The emasculation time was performed with the female ear exposed at 1/3 and was emasculated from 9 am to 4 pm to facilitate wound healing. 3 Cut the tip of the ear at a height of 1 cm above the corn axis, and use a pair of scissors to cut off the temporal lobe with the filament, and cut it again every 2 to 3 days. The filaments of the post-cut hypocotyl fertilization no longer elongate, while the filigrees that are not fertilized in the middle continue to grow, thus giving rise to opportunities for fertilization, achieving more robustness and reducing baldness.
(5) Use growth regulators. 1 Jade gold: It can strengthen the roots and protect the leaves, promote the reproductive growth of corn, make corn pollination better, effectively solve the problems of baldness, lodging, empty stalks, spikelets, etc., and increase production by more than 20%. How to use: When 6 to 11 leaves of corn are used, 30 kg of water per acre is mixed with 30 kg of water and sprayed on corn leaves. 2 Gindel: Maize anti-lodging agent. In the case of 7 to 11 leaves of corn, 30 ml of foliar spray of 15 to 20 kg per acre is used. 3 corn dwarf. It can promote thick and strong roots, resist drought, disease and lodging, make corn leaves wide and dark green, promote heading, enhance pollination, avoid baldness, and increase production by more than 30%. When 6 to 10 leaves of corn are used, 25 ml of sprayed water per acre is sprayed with 30 kg of water. 4 Corn is full and full. It is a super-concentrate compounding agent, rich in regulators and trace elements, which can promote the development of the root system, make the stem thick green, increase the pollination rate, and increase production by 20% to 35%. When 6 to 11 leaves of corn are used, 25 ml per mu is used, and 30 to 40 kg of foliar spray is mixed with water.
Author: Xinzhou Agricultural Technology Station, Shengzhou City, Shandong Province

Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer:

The size of the quantum value indicates the nature and extent of the disease and the nutrition levels. Finally, the testing results are resolved by clinicians. For example, cancer cells are different from normal cells, and the electromagnetic waves emitted by cancer cells are also different from the electromagnetic waves emitted by normal cells. Quantum resonance testing tumor is to send the standard wave of cancer cells to the specimen. If there are cancer cells in the human body, resonance will occur, and the instrument will detect the signal. The more the number of cancer cells is, the more intense the signal is, and the quantum value tends to the negative value. If there are no cancer cells, resonance will do not occur, and the quantum value tends to the positive value. It's similar to the principle of listening to broadcasting from the radio. There are many radio waves in the air. If you want to listen to some designated broadcasting, you can transfer the radio to the corresponding frequency, at this moment, resonance occurs, so that you can listen to this broadcasting. Quantum resonance uses this principle for testing.

The Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer replaces the need for ultrasonic, nuclear magnetic resonance or radiography for various health related conditions. Holding sensors in your palm simply, health data will be collected within minutes from various body systems. The magnetic resonance analyzer offers new advantages in the field of material analysis. It has been shown that the applicability of such an analyzer exceeds the range of tissue analysis and other medical applications. The magnetic resonance analyzer measures the degree and type of response of a matter under test, and by comparison with reference matter it assists in recognizing deviations from the desired response. The software interface has updated high technology that the operation is more convenient and faster. The main future is 2 languages in software in one machine, both with English and another language.

Quantum magnetic resonance analyzer collect the weak magnetic field sensors of frequency and energy from human body through the hand grip sensor. Through the instrument magnifies and the computer processing ,compare with the disease set up inside the instrument install and standard quantum resonance spectrum, use the Fourier analysis method analysis if the sample wave pattern become chaotic.According to the results, make an analytic judgment for the person in state of Sub-health and primal problem, and put forward the standard advice for preventive treatment.

Golden Quantum Analyzer

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Shenzhen Guangyang Zhongkang Technology Co., Ltd ,