Because there are more cloudy days this spring, and the temperature is lower, many of the sheds in the early spring after the watermelon planting, the seedlings suffer severe cold damage, the vegetable farmers must not pull out has re-established the watermelon, resulting in many arched watermelons later this spring, some are In extension period. This period of watermelon is in the vegetative growth stage, the most prone to prosperous phenomenon. Once prosperous, watermelon does not differentiate into female flowers, ultimately affecting yield.

The analysis of the reasons for the prosperous appearance of watermelon is mainly caused by improper management of temperature, fertilizer, and light. Therefore, the reporter suggested that the local melon farmers: watermelon extension period early prevention prosperous

The first is temperature management. Watermelon requires a higher temperature, but not the higher the temperature, the better. When interviewed in the countryside, the reporter learned that the temperature in the arch shed reached 40°C or more, and the melon farmers did not let go of the wind. The higher the temperature, the faster the watermelon grows. In fact, the control of the greenhouse temperature is too high, especially when the night temperature is too high, and the seedlings will consume more respiratory energy, which may easily lead to the phenomenon of leggy seedlings. In this regard, it is recommended that vegetable farmers should strictly control the temperature inside the shed. In general, from the time the watermelon shoots slowly to before flowering, the air temperature inside the shed is controlled to be no higher than 32°C during the day and 14-18°C during the night. The temperature difference between day and night should be raised as much as possible to promote root strength.

The second is fertilizer and water management. Before the watermelon is planted and sits on the melon, it is generally not necessary to top-dress because of the use of base fertilizer. When watering, it should be properly watered according to seedling growth, soil moisture and weather conditions, and take the method of watering under the membrane. During the interview, the reporter learned that many vegetable farmers believe that “watermelon likes big fertilizers and big fertilizers, and watering and fertilizing watermelons grows faster.” Actually, if you blindly supply big water and big fertilizers, watermelons are prone to prosperous growth.

The third is light management. The weak light can also cause watermelon seedlings to grow in length. The arched awning watermelons are covered with multiple membranes. In sunny weather, the temperatures in the shed can be as high as 35°C or even above 40°C. However, the light transmittance of each film is mostly about 80%. Therefore, the number of film layers covered in the shed during clear weather weakens the intensity of light obtained from watermelon seedlings. Therefore, when the temperature permits, several layers of film should be put in the shed. keep it. In order to increase the light intensity in the shed, inhibit the watermelon seedlings grow.

When interviewed at Shaojia Village, Luocheng Street, Shouguang City, and Beitun Village, Datian Town, Shouguang City, the reporter saw a lot of problems in the late growth period. Some serious hormonal poisoning, some malformed fruit, some loofah flowers are large and thin.

The reason for the analysis is mainly that with the increase of temperature, the vegetable growers still manage according to the original management methods. In response, the reporter recommended that the farmers: the temperature rise, loofah to change flowers

The first is to determine the best time to spend. As the temperature rises, the gourd flower opening time is advanced. It is recommended that the vegetable growers should finish the work from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, or the flowers are large and thin. The customers are not willing to buy.

The second is to determine the concentration of anthraquinones. As the temperature rises, the anthocyanin concentration in the wolfberry must be reduced to reduce the occurrence of hormone poisoning. Of course, when a vegetable farmer's friends change their concentration, it is best to take out a few plants for experimentation first, and then use the whole shed after confirmation.

The third is to determine a good part of melon. During an interview in the studio, reporters saw that many vegetable farmers like to dip the whole baby vine into the liquid. This will cause a large amount of liquid to adhere to the young larvae, and sometimes it will cause the liquid to flow along the young vine to the vine. Therefore, it is easy to cause hormonal intoxication.

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