Planting strawberries to change or control the environmental conditions of their growth and development, overcome the unfavorable factors, make them normal flowering results, achieve early harvest, anti-season supply market. Greenhouse cultivation has the characteristics of less investment, quick effect, high yield, and good economic benefits. It produces 1500 kilograms of land per mu, which is more than 1 times higher than exposed land; the output value is more than 10 times higher than open land. In order to extend the supply period of strawberries and realize the demand for annual supply, four types of cultivation are currently used: 1 promotion of cultivation (listing for ripening from November to December at the end of autumn and winter months); 2 semi-availability of cultivation (listing for maturation from February to March) ; 3 super promoted cultivation; 4 inhibition of cultivation. Although there are many advantages in using greenhouses, there are also deficiencies due to the high temperature and humidity in the greenhouse. Easy to create extremely favorable environmental conditions for pests and diseases. To strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of diseases and pests, "treat early, cure small, ruled," it is particularly important to become a key link to achieve high yield and stable strawberry production in greenhouses. Leaf spot disease: also known as snake eye disease, mainly damage the leaves, petioles, fruit stems, tender stems and seeds. Formed on the leaves of dark purple spots, expanded to form a near-round or oval lesions, the edge of purple-brown, gray center, with a slight round, so that the entire lesion was snake-like, the lesion does not form small black particles. Control measures: timely removal of diseased leaves and old leaves. At the beginning of the disease, 70% chlorothalonil WP was used 500 to 700 times, and then sprayed again after 10 days. Or use 70% mancozeb WP, spray 200 kg/mu for 75 kg of water. Powdery mildew: the main damage to the leaves, but also the flowers, fruit, stems and petioles. The leaf rolls are spoon-shaped. Flower buds and petals are purple-red and cannot flower or bloom completely. The fruit does not swell and is elongated; the young fruit loses its luster and hardens. In the near-maturity period, the damage to the commodity will be lost if the strawberry is damaged. Prevention and control measures: In the center of the onset of the disease and around it, the key spray Baume 0.3 degree lime sulfur agent. After harvesting, the whole park slashed and sprayed with 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000-fold solution, 50% thiobacillus-specific 800-fold solution, and 30% cypermethrin 5000-fold solution. Botrytis cinerea: It is the main disease after flowering. It can be affected by flowers, petals, fruits and leaves. In the fruits of the enlargement period, brown spots were formed and gradually enlarged. The dense gray mold caused the fruits to be softened and spoiled, which seriously affected the yield. Prevention and control measures: from the bud to the flowering stage, with 25% carbendazim WP 300 times, 50% Kedan Dan WP 800 times, 50% acetaminophen 500 times ~ 700 times liquid spray. Root rot: Starting from the lower leaves, the leaf margins turn red-brown and gradually wither upwards until they die. The pillars began to turn black and corrupt in the middle, and the central pillar of the root was red. Prevention and control measures: Before transplanting strawberry, use 40% asparagus blue powder 600 times liquid, pour in the flour surface, then cover the soil, and translate the plant to effectively kill pathogens in the soil, reduce the number of field bacteria source, and reduce the chance of infection. Verticillium wilt: The disease is a soil disease. The main symptoms are the deformity of young leaves, yellowing of leaves, and rough surface roughness. The leaf margin then fades brown inwards until dead. Prevention and control measures: strict introduction of disease-free planting; shorten the update period; use chloropicrin 13.5 liters to 20 liters or solar cover film irrigation for soil disinfection; already onset must be removed and burned.

In order to keep our body in good shape, more and more people would like to go to gym for training, most of them even spend more and more time in gym, even being active is daily or up to 3-4 time a week. Yeah, it`s a good thing to make our body keep active, but in the process of maintaining our active and over lifestyle, there is always the risk of injury. 

Bodybuidling Peptides are made from amino acids that are linked together. They can be thought of as a small protein sequence. They have many functions in the body including signaling and messaging. Some may act like neurotransmitters, while others may act like hormones. They bind to receptors on the cell surface and tell other cells and molecules what to do. Bodybuidling Peptides are very specific, which makes them safe, well tolerated and more importantly- allows them to control and influence how our bodies react to physical exercise and diet. Some people also use Raw Steroids, huam Growth Hormone, sarms, semi-finished oils and etc...

Peptides for Injury Repair
Active people can at some point find themselves in the grips of pain and frustration because of an injury. Life becomes a waiting game until they are back either on the playing field, at the gym, or on the dance floor.

For those of us no longer in our 20's, we must realize that the decline in growth hormone (GH), along with other hormones, has a lot to do with how well and how fast we recover from an injury. There are substances in the body that can increase the rate of injury repair - even connective tissue repair. This can be stimulated readily with growth hormone secretagogues and specific bodybuidling peptides. Secretagogues and bodybuidling peptides are substances that cause another substance to be secreted; in this case, growth hormone.

Human Growth Hormone is very good at communicating with tissue cells in the formation of new cells, growth factors, muscle fibers and joint rejuvenation. Secretagogues and bodybuidling peptides can work to stimulate GH release from the pituitary for this repair and regeneration mechanism to kick in quicker.

CJC-1295/Ipamorelin combination has a strong effect on the release of Growth Hormone and IGF-1 and reduces body fat by forcing your body to burn its fat stores as a source of energy. This combo is also known to increase cellular repair, regeneration, and collagen production.

IGF-1 is the next generation in performance enhancement for muscle building. It is the most important growth factor that our bodies produce, even more so than HGH.

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