Green leafy vegetables include lettuce, celery, spinach, garland chrysanthemum, leeks, leeks, leeks, clams, bitter leeks, etc., belonging to many families. 1. Common symptoms of viral diseases are: small, shrinking, deformed leaves, mottled mosaics, dwarfing and withering. It is mainly transmitted through locusts and can also be infected through contact with friction. Excessive cultivation and management, drought, and a large number of locust incidence of disease. Control methods: Cockroach disease prevention: Hanging silver gray plastic film in the field to avoid lice, or spraying and preventing worms before and after sowing and planting. Apply organic fertilizer, pay attention to the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Remove weeds and remove diseased plants in time. Chemical control: At the beginning of the disease, 1.5% of the diseased disease spirit 1000 times solution plus 20% virus A600 times solution, or mixed fatty acid (83 resistance agent) 100 times solution, or virus A wettable powder 500 times solution, or Aketai 7500 Double fluid and other alternate spraying. 2. Anthrax mainly damages leaves and stems. The leaf spot is nearly round or elliptical, gray-brown, with rims; the lesions on the stem are nearly prismatic, slightly concave, and densely arranged in black lenticular lines. Warm and rainy weather conditions are favorable for disease. Overharvesting, poor ventilation in the field, poor fertilization, excessive nitrogen fertilizer, and low-lying terrain all easily induce anthrax. Control methods: selection of disease-resistant varieties, seed disinfection, the implementation of the 2--3 year rotation system; strengthen field management, rational close planting, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, remove waterlogging. Chemical control: At the beginning of the disease, use 50% carbendazim WP 500 times, or 75% chlorothalonil + 70% thiophanate (1:1) 1500 times, or 69% ank manganese + 75% 100% Bacterial Chrysanthemum (1:1) 1500 times, or 80% anthraquinone methicone 800-1000 times, or 25% Carbonate WP 600 times, or 800 times the world's high, alternating Spray 3 - 4 times, spray once every 7 - 10 days. 3. Leaf spot (early blight) and spot blight (leaf blight, late blight) These two diseases are common diseases of celery leaves. The common features of the symptoms are: the shape, size and color of the leaf spots are similar. Nearly circular to irregular shape, brown to gray-brown, when the lesions are severe, the leaves dry rot. The difference is that there are many small black spots on the latter lesion (spores of pathogenic bacteria). Both pathogens are overwintering with mycelium attached to seeds, diseased or diseased plants. When the conditions are appropriate, spores are produced and spread by wind and rain, agricultural operations, and infest celery. General high temperature, high humidity or high temperature and heavy rainfall; extensive management, plant growth is weak, or planted dense ventilation and poor ventilation, but also conducive to disease. Control methods: The selection of disease-resistant and disease-resistant varieties, seed treatment, the implementation of more than 2 years of rotation, remove the sick body, rational close planting. Strengthen the management of fertilizers and waters to avoid partial application and over-application of nitrogen fertilizers, and do a good job of clean drainage after the rain. Chemical control: At the early stage of disease, the diseased leaves were firstly removed, and then 50% carbendazim 500 times, or 75% chlorothalonil + 70% thiophanate WP (1:1) 1 000--1500 times, were sprayed. Or 77% can kill 500 times liquid, or 3% agricultural anti-120 water agent 100 times, or 69% ank manganese + 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder (1:1) 1 000--1500 times liquid , Or 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc 500--800 times liquid, alternately spray 3 - 4 times, every 7 - 15 days spray 1 time. 4, sclerotinia celery sclerotinia distribution is more extensive, the whole growth period can occur, harm celery stems and leaves. At the beginning, the victim’s department had brown water stains, and soft rot formed when the humidity was high. The diseased department produced white mycelium and later formed black rat sac-like sclerotia. The bacterium sclerotia is overwintering in the soil or mixed in the seed, and the field is infected with the disease and the hypha tissue is in contact with the disease. Low temperature, high humidity, excessive rainfall, poor planting and ventilation, favorable disease, partial application, excessive nitrogen fertilizer to increase the incidence. Control methods: Select seeds before sowing to remove sclerotia. Deep trench sorghum planting. Strengthen the management of fertilizers and waters, make them densely planted, pay attention to field hygiene, remove residues and reduce the source of bacteria. Seed disinfection. Chemical control: At the beginning of the disease, 50% of fast-king 1500 times, or 50% of Nongliling 1000 times, or 50% of fluconen 1000 times, or 40% of sclerotin 1000 times liquid, or 50% vinyl sclerotinium wet powder 1000--1500 times, or 1000 times the world's high liquid, alternate spray 3 - 4 times, every 7 - 10 days spray 1 time. The combination of spraying and showering is better. 5, leek, leek white rust leek, leek white rust mainly damage the leaves. The leaves begin to have irregular discoloration spots, and the corresponding parts of the backs of the leaves develop round, oval to irregular irregular white bulges, sometimes merging into larger ecchymosis, and the later freckle breaks out of the white powder (Bacteria Sporangia). The conditions of low temperature, high humidity or rainy weather, partial application of nitrogenous fertilizer, and weak plant growth are all likely to induce the disease. Control methods: seed disinfection. Reasonable dense planting, formula fertilization, deep sorghum planting, draining moisture, paying attention to field health. Chemical control: Alternating spray of 5%--8% metalaxyl MnZn wettable powder 600--800 times liquid, or 64% anti-virus WP wettable powder 600 times, or 66.5 % Precrine water 800 times dilution , Or 72% Kelu wet powder 600--800 times liquid, a total of 2--3 times, sprayed every 7-10 days. 6, brown spot and round spot disease leek brown spot and round spot disease are common symptoms are: leaf spots are round, oval or irregular shape, light brown, brown to dark brown or reddish brown, The lesions are linked to each other and the diseased leaves are dead. The differences are: no brown spots on the brown spot surface or round veins are not obvious, the lesion surface is near-mycotic mildew; the round spot lesions are clearly concentric and the sparse black spots appear. Warm and humid weather, low humidity on the ground, and excessive dense planting are all favorable for the occurrence of the two diseases. Control methods: Seed disinfection, crop rotation, application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, removal of diseased bodies, reasonable close planting, reduce the humidity in the field. Chemical control: At the beginning of the disease, use 50% polysulfide suspension 400 times, or 75% chlorothalonil + 70% thiophanate wettable powder (1:1) 1 000--1500 times or 69% ank manganese + 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder (1:1) 1 000--1500 times, or 40% copper carbendazim WP 800--1000 times, alternately sprayed 3 - 4 times, separated Spray once every 7-10 days. 7. Spinach Downy Mildew Spinach downy mildew mainly damages the leaves. Leaf surface appears nearly round or oval, gray-brown, with a ring of lesions; leaves on the back of the lesion grayish white after the gray mold layer. The disease is seriously affected by high planting density, poor field ventilation, low waterlogging, low temperature and high humidity. Prevention methods: Proper close planting, strengthening of fertilizer and water management, reducing the humidity in the field, removing diseased plants and burning them in time. Chemical control: In the initial stage of disease, alternately spray 90% BDP 800 times solution + Potassium permanganate 1000 times (used with the device), or 58% DTX MnZn WP 500--800 times, or 64% anti-disease wet powder 500 times, or 72% Kelu wet powder 450 - 600 times liquid, 3--4 times, sprayed every 7-10 days. 8, leek snake eye disease (purple spot) lesions nearly round, purple, purple brown edges, boundaries are clear, the central spot slightly subsidence, thin, color is yellow-brown, yellow-white to gray and white range. The difference from the symptoms of other spotted klass disease is mainly the different manifestations of disease symptoms. Purple spot disease is characterized by thin pale color and mildew. The onset temperature is 25--27°C. Warm and humid, heavy dew or rainy weather is conducive to disease. Control methods: seed sowing after sowing. Apply base fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, strengthen field management, increase plant disease resistance, and implement crop rotation. After the harvest, field residues were removed and burned. Chemical control: Refer to the control of leek brown spot.

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