The peppers have fallen leaves and fallen flowers throughout the growing period. Especially after planting, falling leaves and falling flowers are one of the important reasons for the reduction of pepper production. First, the cause of the cayenne pepper fall, deciduous mainly petiole base and peduncle base tissue produced from the layer, with the living tissue naturally separated off. The external conditions that produce this condition include nutrition, light, temperature, moisture, harmful gases, hormones, pests, and so on. During the whole growth period, peppers will gradually appear deciduous and fall flowers. Sometimes in the middle and later stages of the plant, a small amount of yellow leaves and old leaves will fall off in the middle and lower parts of the plant. This is a normal defoliation and has no obvious effect on the yield. If a large number of defoliants suddenly occur during growth, the cause must be identified and prevented. The defoliation and falling of capsicum appear mostly in the seedling stage, the initial stage of the result and the prosperous period, and are mostly caused by diseases such as virus disease, anthrax, gray leaf spot, powdery mildew, scab, disease, early blight, and ring rot. When there is too much rain and excessive humidity in the field during planting, the roots of the plants will appear and cause a lot of fallen leaves. In addition, the lack of nutrition and water, seedlings less roots, the ground temperature is not high when planting but the humidity, improper planting methods, sudden watering under the hot sun or heavy rain, improper use of hormones can cause falling leaves, falling flowers. In the cultivation, the temperature is also an important factor, the temperature is too high (above 35 °C) or too low (below 15 °C) will cause falling leaves, falling flowers. Second, control measures 1. Adopt comprehensive agricultural prevention and control measures to strengthen cultivation and management1 implement crop rotation, rotate with non-solanum crops for 2 to 3 years, remove diseased bodies in time, and burn them centrally or deeply. (2) Protecting the root system with nutritious earthworm seedlings and plastic film covering to reduce the chance of pathogen infestation and cultivation of deep ditch sorghum or narrow mounds to prevent waterlogging in the field, so that the soil has good air permeability and creates a good environment for plant growth. In addition, in order to improve the disease resistance of peppers, strong seedlings must be cultivated in the cultivation, and the plants should be densely planted in a rational and reasonable manner. Nitrogen fertilizers, phosphate fertilizers, and potash fertilizers should be reasonably applied. In particular, the nitrogen fertilizers should not be excessive or too small, and the watering amount and proper control should be controlled. Watering time etc. 3 Select disease-resistant and stress-tolerant varieties and conduct seed treatment. Seeds soaked with warm water for 10 minutes before sowing, soaked with cold water immediately after cooling, drying and sowing. Can also be used 10% trisodium phosphate solution soak for 20 to 30 minutes, and then washed germination. In addition, it can also be soaked in 1% copper sulfate solution for 5 minutes, removed and washed in 1% soapy water and then germinated. 2. Chemical prevention and control focus on early prevention. Spray 1:1:200 Bordeaux mixture or 0.3% copper sulphate solution 2 to 3 times before and after budding to provide protection. It has been observed that where the Bordeaux spray is applied, the incidence is small or very light. According to the disease occurrence law and weather conditions, before the onset or early onset of the disease, in view of the diseases that often occurred in previous years, the use of chili pepper virus wettable powder 500 times fluid or 20% virus a WP 500 times, depending on the severity of the disease every 5 Spray once every 7 days, spray 3 to 4 times, and pay attention to controlling aphids. In flowering and fruit setting period, 70% thiophanate-methyl WP can be used 500 times or 75% chlorothalonil WP can be sprayed 600 times every 7-10 days for a total of 2 or 3 injections. In the production, several kinds of diseases often occur at the same time, so it is best to rotate several sprays of medicaments so that the occurrence of several kinds of diseases can generally be controlled. 3. If the temperature is too low or too high, the flowers falling or falling may be sprayed with a 3ppm-4pmm tomato spirit solution during flowering to avoid falling flowers and falling fruit.

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