Many people prefer oily foods. This is not only easy to cause obesity, but also makes your temper become fierce and more angry. This study was published in the latest issue of the US "Diet" magazine. The researchers also pointed out that eating too little carbohydrate can make people depressed.

Australian scientists conducted a one-year follow-up survey of hundreds of participants. One group consumed a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet, while the other group mainly consumed low-fat carbohydrate foods. The participants see nutritionists once a month to ensure that they adhere to a certain diet pattern. At the beginning, 8 weeks, 24 weeks, and one year after the study, the researchers performed follow-up records of the participants' depression, anxiety, anger and fatigue. It was found that although the participants had the same caloric intake, the emotional differences were great. People who eat greasy are more likely to lose temper, anger and anxiety. The researchers explained that greasy foods can affect the production of certain chemicals in the brain and make people emotionally unstable. The carbohydrates in staple foods can maintain the production of happy hormones in the brain.

Researchers also found that eating less greasy foods and ensuring that carbohydrates are consumed helps reduce weight and last longer.

(Liu Bo)

Life Times

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