Dog Food Equipment: Many dog ​​owners have a habit of eating something and eating something for the dog. The character of a dog is often the one who does not refuse to be as good as it is and how much to eat. But you know, no, many dogs can't eat anything that they can eat. If you do not pay attention, it will affect the dog's health, and even endanger the dog's life!
1. Salty dry foods such as salted fish, dried shrimps and bacon, food ham and cured meat, etc., cannot be fed to dogs.
2. Foods with too much mustard and chili content can cause a dog's mouth. Gastrointestinal ulceration can not feed dogs.
3. Onions are absolutely not food that can be fed to dogs. Onions have a strong toxicity to the blood of dogs. Eating too much can cause acute anemia and even endanger life. In western foods, onion garnish is often used. In some hamburgers, onions are sandwiched. Although the amount is small, it will also have a great impact on small dogs.
4. The bones of poultry such as chickens, ducks, and geese are small and hard. It can't be chewed by dogs' teeth like the bones of pigs and cows, especially dogs can't chew. Dogs swallow these bones and sometimes pierce the throat or stomach, causing dogs to lose their lives. Therefore, when feeding chickens, ducks, goose, bones must be removed.
5, frozen milk, ice cream and other dairy products can not be given to dogs, especially the most incomplete development of puppies. Usually a few cold milk can cause diarrhea in puppies, and it will form habitual diarrhea in the long term, resulting in weakness of the dog and hindering the development and growth of puppies. In fact, even heated milk and other dairy products can only be fed in small amounts, and dogs' stomachs do not adapt to such foods. Dog food equipment

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