Grape spray fertilizer tips

Grape spray fertilizer tips

Spraying foliar fertilizers on grapes, leaves with a wide range of fertilizers, rapid fertilizer efficiency, and labor-saving fertilizers are common fertilization methods for grapes. To achieve the best results for foliar spray, you should

Pond high-yielding fish culture technology

Pond high-yielding fish culture technology

First, pond fish how to achieve stable production and high yield

1, fish pond. The quality of the fish pond itself is a key to stable production and high yield of pond fish. High-yielding fish ponds require water depth, water width,

Washing machine

Gluten and Liangpi is a beautiful food on the market. It has a good taste, cool and refreshing, convenient consumption, economic benefits, and other characteristics has won people's favor, has great market potential. High yield, simple operation, 1 person can. A

Agricultural machinery purchase, maintenance and use

How to buy a farm machine to see trademark, weight and specifications When buying agricultural machinery products and accessories, you must have a trademark awareness. When you purchase accessories, you must first observe whether the accessories specifications meet the requirements. Secondly,

Crop nutrition diagnosis

Look at the soil

Most of the necessary nutrients for crops come from the soil. That is, the nutrient status of crops has a direct relationship with the status of soil nutrients. Therefore, diagnosis of nutrient status of crops must take into account the diagnosis of soil nutrient s

Gate valve overview

The gate valve refers to a valve in which the closing member (gate) moves in the vertical direction of the center line of the passage. The gate valve is mainly used for cutting in the pipeline.
The gate valve is a widely used valve. It i

Butterfly valve overview

A butterfly valve is a valve that uses a circular disc as a starting and closing member and rotates with the valve stem to open, close and adjust the fluid passage. The butterfly valve's disc is mounted in the diameter direction of the

Snail Control Measures in Orchards

Snails can take buds, flowers, leaves, and fruits of fruit trees. They are very harmful to fruit trees and cause some losses to the fruit industry. In the prevention and control of fruit growers, different prevention and control measures should be taken according to the climatic characteristic