Bonsai grapes have the characteristics of easy management, planting in the past, flowering in the past, and effective results in the past year. They can make full use of courtyards, balconies and other facilities for cultivation, so that grapes can be set in advance. In this way, in the early spring, people can watch the bonsai with the ear, and when the grape is ripe, they can entertain the guests and enjoy the fresh fruit. If there are greenhouse conditions, large areas can also be cultivated, and Bonsai will be listed to increase revenue. Cultivation techniques are as follows:

First, the year of planting: In the spring, potted grape seedlings germinate, choose to leave 2 robust new shoots, if only a new shoot is germinated, to be picked up when 30 cm long, to stimulate the buds sprouting buds, and then choose to stay 2 Axillary shoots with good growth and development were used as shoots. (spray germicide before germination, such as chlorothalonil, carbendazim, etc.)

Second, the promotion of flower measures: grape buds with early maturity, with the growth of new shoots, each bud has two buds between the formation of a winter bud, a summer bud. Summer buds have early maturation, and some of the summer buds of the nodes germinate and form secondary shoots.

1. Auxiliary tip treatment: If the auxiliary tip allows it to grow, it will consume a lot of nutrients, so that the winter buds between the same leafhopper can't get enough nutrients to accumulate, and the buds are thin and not full, affecting the flowering and fruit setting of the grapes, so the auxiliary tip should be left 1 ~ 2 leaves topping.

2. Topping tips: Topping the tip of the shoot to control its growth, promote flower bud differentiation and shoot lignification. Therefore, when the new shoot grows to 10 to 12 leaves, it can pick up the tip of the shoot. About 10 to 15 days after picking the heart, the top secondary shoots begin to germinate. During this period, the winter shoots in the branches and leaves can accumulate large amounts of nutrients, and the top secondary shoots leave 5 to 7 leaves for repeated topping.

3. Tendril: The tendrils of the grapes not only consume nutrients but also tend to entangle with each other and should be cut off promptly.

4. New bindings: Grapes are wild fruit trees and must be tied in time. The new shoots should be loosened to facilitate the growth of new shoots.

Third, facilities cultivation management

1. Temperature Management: Grapes, like other deciduous fruit trees, have a natural dormant habit. If the accumulated amount of low temperature is not enough and the required amount of cold cannot be achieved, even if suitable environmental conditions are given, it will not bud or bloom. Therefore, the grapes must pass natural dormancy after about 1 month at a low temperature of 0 to 7.2°C. From the beginning of November to the beginning of December, the potted grapes were moved to the back of a dark, dark house or to the north of the wall and covered with a cover. During this period, antifreeze should be observed when the temperature reaches 0°C or below. In this way, concentrate one month and then move the grape seedlings to the leeward sunny place. At the same time, the grape seedlings are pruned, generally at the 3rd to 8th full shoots. At the end of December, it was moved to the balcony of the house and the temperature was controlled by closing the window. The temperature was gradually increased (if it was moved into a greenhouse or greenhouse, the temperature could be controlled by closing the tuyere). After one month, the grapes started to sprout. During this period, the daytime temperature is not lower than 25°C and not less than 10°C during the night. It takes 40-50 days from germination to flowering. During this period, the daytime temperature is preferably 25 to 28°C, and the nighttime temperature is preferably 17 to 23°C. During the flowering period, the daytime temperature is maintained at 27-28°C and nighttime at 15°C. The fruit enlarges until the berry matures, during the day 25 ~ 30 °C, 15 ~ 23 °C at night. Grape coloring period, daytime temperature 25 ~ 28 °C, night 16 ~ 17 °C. As the outside temperature rises, at noon on sunny days, the bonsai can be removed from the balcony and put in the hall for viewing.

2. Plant Management: Wiping should be carried out after confirming the inflorescence. The result will be two buds on the mother branch, thin and weak shoots, and robust buds. In order to improve the fruit setting rate, the main tip should be picked up 1 week before flowering, and generally 6-8 pieces of picking heart should be left before the inflorescence. Inflorescence following axillary complete removal, inflorescence above axillary top 1 ~ 2 repeated topping.

3. Pest control: The facility cultivates bonsai grapes with less pests and mainly controls diseases. Chlorothalonil can be used 700 times, carbendazim 800 times liquid spray 20 to 30 days 1 time. To avoid the budding and flowering fruit setting period.

4. Moisture management: Master the principles of pouring and drying, and do not over-humidify after germination. Watering should be controlled during the flowering period, and the young fruit should be inflated until the ripening stage and sufficient water should be poured to promote berry development. After the grapes begin to be colored, the water is properly controlled so as to improve the quality of the grapes.

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