Garden flowers and plants are generally divided into three types. First, there is seed reproduction that is sexual reproduction); Second, cuttings, grafting, layering, sub-beads and other asexual reproduction; Third, tissue culture This is the latest method, high reproduction rate and no virus.

Seed multiplication is achieved through a sexual process, where seed is used to reproduce new individuals. This new individual has both parental traits. The use of seeds to reproduce, the large amount of reproduction, the method is simple, the resulting seedlings root system integrity, robust growth, long life. Seeds are easy to carry, circulate, preserve and exchange. However, due to the large variability of seed propagation, it is often impossible to preserve its original good traits, so it is necessary to adopt some methods for the preservation of pure lines.

The sowing bed should be selected in the leeward sunny place of the garden. The soil is fertile, loose, and germinates at 16 to 20°C. Therefore, sowing is generally conducted in the spring and plum blossoms should be sown in the autumn. Drilling, on-demand, sowing depth, general large seed 0.4 cm, medium seed 0.2 cm, small seeds 0. l cm, spacing of O.2 cm. The seeds can be mixed evenly with 3 times the fine sand and then broadcasted. The seeds can also be broadcast in the fire basin. The thickness of the cover soil can be determined according to the size of the seeds. The depth of the cover of the small seeds is equivalent to 2 times the diameter of the seeds, and the large seeds can be used. Appropriately thickened, very fine seeds can be sieved and sieved immediately. After sowing, the board is used to press the surface of the soil and cover it with hay to keep the water and inhibit the growth of weeds until they are germinated and then removed. Usually use a fine hole watering can to sprinkle water, keep the soil dry, but should not be too wet, so as not to rot. When potting, the pots can be immersed in water to absorb moisture. Before the seeds are unearthed, the pots can be covered with a layer of glass or plastic film and newspapers, and the surface soil should be kept dry. After the seed leaves are unearthed, the lighter fertilizer and the seedlings are applied, and when the seeds grow to 4 to 5 true leaves, they are transplanted.

Before and after sowing, the soil should be kept moist and the water should be uniform. Always check the cover to prevent rain from flushing the bed. After the seed germinates, it is necessary to remove the covering immediately. Be sure to let the seedling gradually see the light. After a period of exercise, it can be completely exposed to the sun.

One-year-old flowers used to sow multiplication. Seeds suitable for spring sowing, such as cockscomb, morning glory, dill, a string of red, etc., are conducted from March to May. Autumn sowing, such as gold Chrysanthemum, Daisy, pansy, violet, snapdragon, etc., from late August to early October.

Drilling and sowing can be done. When the young seedlings are explanted, proper seedlings should be used. Don't hurt the root when transplanting, and pour enough water in time after transplanting.

In order to promote marigold, snapdragon, petunia, cosmos, red string, etc., plants increase branching and postpone flowering, and can be properly picked.

Daily management, we must pay attention to the removal of residual flowers, in order to facilitate the concentration of nutrients and extend the flowering period. Pay attention to watering in the morning and in the evening. In order to prevent the water temperature in summer from being too high, watering should not be done at noon. In winter, it can be watered at noon.

Apply enough basal fertilizer before sowing, such as compost, bone meal, alfalfa ash and cake fertilizer, and apply urea diluted liquid fertilizer as top dressing during the growth period. Should pay attention to loose soil and weeding on weekdays. Reduce water evaporation, increase soil temperature, promote nutrient decomposition.

In addition, we must pay attention to the germination ability of the seeds. The life span of different species is different depending on the type of flowers. For example, the seed vitality of delphinium, a bunch of red, pansy, lily, etc. is maintained for 1 to 2 years, while the seed viability of cyclamen, carnation and cockscomb is 4 to 5 years.

Aquatic flowers include lotus, water lily, and water hyacinth. They can be used both for sowing and breeding. Seeding and propagation of the skin to be worn, immersed in water to expand, into the shallow basin, the young leaves grow out of the water, and then moved into a large water tank or pool. The water depth is about 5 centimeters higher than that of the potted soil, and the germination can begin at 25 to 3O<0>C, and the water depth can be gradually increased after the seedlings have water.

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