First, we must pay attention to fertilizer and water management. Due to the high temperature in summer, strong sunlight, large evaporation on the ground, and large transpiration of crops, watering is often required in the initial stage of planting to keep the soil moist. In the rainy season of July-August, after each heavy rain, it should be drained in time and cool down with cold water to protect the leaves. Appropriate control of water in the late growth period, no watering 2 to 3 days before harvest, to prevent cracking. The growth period of lettuce is shorter and topdressing is mainly chemical fertilizer. However, potassium fertilizer should be added to balance the nitrogen and potassium, about 15 kg each time.

Second, we must pay attention to pest control. Diseases of lettuce in summer mainly include downy mildew, viral disease and gray mold, sclerotinia and leaf spot. Downy mildew can be used 75% chlorothalonil 600 times, or 40% synergistic Ruix 500 times, 58% of methylmercury manganese zinc 500 times prevention and treatment; gray mold can be used 50% off, or 50% flutter Heine 1000 ~ 1500 times, or 50% thiophanate 500 times control; virus disease prevention and control in addition to selection of disease-resistant varieties and disease-free varieties, it should also be combined with the control of aphids, with cypermethrin, Quxie pine Or anti-invigoration and other timely control of aphids to prevent infection. In addition, attention should also be paid to the prevention and control of physiological diseases and deficiency diseases. For example, the lack of boron in lettuce often causes new leaf veins and leaf margins to grow slowly, leaf wrinkles and rewinding, and leaf color unevenness, like the symptoms of mosaic virus disease, severe leaf tip, leaf margin charred, and the growth of top buds suppressed or Withered. Therefore, we must pay attention to the application of boron, various organic fertilizers containing boron, if necessary, increase the application of borax as a base fertilizer or foliar application of boron fertilizer.

In summer cultivation, it is generally less cultivating or not cultivating, in order to prevent increased ground temperature. Uncovered plastic film shall be mainly surface weeding. Pre-growth weeding is usually 2 or 3 times. In August, when the temperature drops, the arbours or shade nets can be removed to enter the natural growth state.

Later on, lettuce often has soft rot and fissure balls. Soft rot is mainly caused by excessive temperature inside the ball. Therefore, it is not too early to remove shade sheds. It is more appropriate to remove shade sheds when the average temperature is below 20°C. The fission ball is mainly caused by excessive soil moisture, so watering should be controlled at the later stage of growth. In addition, in order to prevent soft rot, it is best not to use human urine as top dressing.

In summer, leaf lettuce is generally less and must be harvested in time. Harvesting late, the ball will not only grow, but will grow longer and looser, reducing quality. Harvesting is generally early in the morning to prevent wilting of leaves.

Grape Seed Extract

95.0% OPC Grape seed extract is one kind of Grape Seed Extract which is our Key product. It is a purple powder and was producted by extracting,concentrating and drying;from the seeds of Grape.
The omponents are mainly phenolic acid such as procyanidins,catechin,epicatechin,gallic acid, epigallocatechin gallate and so on.
Grape seed is the seed of grape, after the separation of grape skin, grape stalk product. Grape seed contains amino acid, Vitamin and mineral to wait.
Grape seeds contain polyphenols (GPS), mainly catechins and proanthocyanidins.Catechin compounds, including catechin, epicatechin and their gallate esters, are the main monomers of grape seeds and the constituent units of proanthocyanidin oligomers and polymers.
Grape seeds are rich in oil, accounting for about 12% ~ 15% of its weight. Oil contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, among which the content of linoleic acid is between 58% ~ 78%.Grape seeds also contain a small amount of volatile components, most of which are alcohols, phenols and terpenoids, all of which have high biological activity.In addition to the above mentioned substances, grape seeds also contain crude protein, amino acids and vitamins A, E, D, K, P and A variety of trace elements, such as calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, sodium, manganese, cobalt and so on.

Grape Seed Extract,Grape Seed Extract Powder,Nature Grape Seed Extract,95% Grape Seed Extract

Shaanxi Kepler Biotech Co.,Ltd ,