Adding appropriate amounts of baking soda to dairy cows in the feed can prevent or reduce the decrease of ruminal pH, increase milk fat percentage and milk yield, and advance the peak milk production period of cows, especially feeding silages (such as silage corn) at regular ages. The effects of cows with higher concentrates are more pronounced. When used in combination with magnesium oxide (ratio of 2:1 to 3:1), the decomposition rate of baking soda can be eased and the effect of baking soda can be increased. In addition, supplementation of baking soda during lactation of dairy cows can also prevent ketosis, fatty liver, atrophy and rumen poisoning, and it is also effective in treating postpartum grief and mastitis in dairy cows.

The addition of baking soda to beef cattle diets facilitates the digestion and absorption of cellulose and promotes weight gain of beef cattle, especially when added during the high temperature season or when feeding silage. Tests have shown that from the time a beef cattle is born to a body weight of 700 kilograms, it takes 270 days to add baking soda, while adding 0.5% baking soda can be shortened to 200 days, and feed utilization is greatly improved. In addition, 0.5% baking soda was added to the basic diet of beef cattle. The daily weight gain during the whole period was 8.7% higher than that of the control group. The appetite and feed intake were all better than those of the control group, and the economic benefit increased by 17.3%.

The baking soda flour should be evenly mixed with the concentrate before being fed together with the forage and other roughage, and not fed separately. Feeding cows can add 80 to 150 grams per head per day, and beef cattle can add 80 to 100 grams per head per day.

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