Cold: Banana, Orange, Reed Juice, Ice, Lamb, Ginger Duck, Tobacco

Cough: ice cream, orange, fried, grilled, spicy, peanut, wine, sweets

Acute gastritis: fried food, wine, pepper, glutinous rice

Chronic gastritis: cold food, acid fermented foods, sweets

Enteritis: Banana, guava

Gastrointestinal swelling nausea: peanuts, sweet potatoes, egg fermentation, beans

Acute and chronic hepatitis: goose (chicken, duck) pork skin, fat pork, tobacco and alcohol, do not stay up late

Heart disease: overeating, high cholesterol, too salty food

Kidney disease: beer, soda, salted fish, dried bamboo shoots, pickles

Diabetes: Sweet, Alcohol, Greasy, Deep-Fried, High-calorie Foods

Hypotension: celery, should be early to sleep and exercise more

Hypertension: too salty food, egg yolk, animal viscera, cheese, animal oil, brain

Peptic ulcer: beans, bamboo shoots, pickles, glutinous rice, wine, pineapple, pepper, guava

Fallen periostitis: bananas, bamboo shoots, wine, sauerkraut, chili

Bumping injury: pig skull meat, vinegar, peanuts, sweets, bananas, beer

Acne heps blood: smoke, wine, pepper, fry

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Beer, Bananas, Meat, Cold Rain

Allergic constitution: (urticaria, eczema, asthma, allergic rhinitis) seafood, taro, mango, ice, longan, litchi

Cerebral neurasthenia (insomnia): pepper, wine, coffee, onion, garlic

Repair Kit

Eastony Industries (NingBo) Co., LTD. ,