Field Convolvulus arvensis L. Alias ​​arrow leaf spin flowers. A convolvulaceae is perennially herbaceous. Rhizome and flower medicine. It is distributed everywhere. Color version 1861486 Symptoms damage the leaves, stems and even the whole plant. At the beginning, white powdery mildew spots appeared on the leaves. They were nearly round to amorphous, and they merged with each other. They were densely covered with both sides of the leaves or stems. The late diseased parts had dense black spots, which were the closed cysts of the pathogens.

The pathogen is Erysiphe convolvuli DC. var. dichotoma Zheng & Chen; Ascular shell flat spherical, dark brown, polygenetic, size 100-130μm. Attachments 15-47 roots, intertwined with each other, are bifurcated branches 1-3 times, 58-420μm long, yellow to light brown. There are 4-7 ascospores, oval or irregular, with short handle or none. Ascospores 3-4, oval, size 21.3-26.613.9-17.5 (μm).

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