Spinach cultivation techniques

Before sowing germination spring sowing, the seeds should be treated, that is, soaked in warm water 50 °C ~ 60 °C for 30 minutes, then soaked with water for 20 to 24 hours, washed at about 25 °C under the temperature of germination, germination to keep moist, Rinse the seeds once a da

Rape Spring Management Measures

After the beginning of spring, rape enters the period of vegetative growth and reproductive growth. At this time, it is very important to do well in field management. After the spring of rape, management must first reapply manure.
After the emergence of rapeseed, it began to transform fro

How to prevent cucumber wilt

Cucumber fusarium wilt is an important disease on cucumber, caused by a fungus called Fusarium. The main feature of this disease is to harm the vascular bundles in the stalks. Since the supply of moisture is prevented, the whole plant is wilting and dead, especially when the weather is fine or

How to weed the leeks after sowing

Amaranth is more sensitive to acetochlor and acetochlor is not suitable for soil closure. Before the seedlings are sown after planting, they can be treated with aconitine, pendimethalin, and sedation. Among them, prometryn is mainly used for the control of broad-leaved weeds. Penicillin and se

Cotton Common Diseases and Control Techniques

1. Blight

Cotton blight, commonly known as rot disease and black root disease, occurs in all cotton regions of the country. After cotton seedlings are damaged, yellowish-brown lesions develop on the stem base near the ground, and then turn into dark brown, and gradually rot and rot

Breeding for the breeding period

During the rearing period, the quail lively, feed intake gradually increased, and weight increased rapidly. Therefore, sufficient clean drinking water should be provided and sufficient and reasonable feed should be fed. During the rearing period, they can feed the broiler chickens on the marke

Red meat pomelo summer management

In the summer, it is the root period of red-fruited pomelo, the long summer shoots, the young fruit, and the period of fruit enlargement. This period is an important period of fertilization in the whole year, and it is also a key pest occurrence period. It is imperative to grasp the various su