Vegetable carbon dioxide fertilizer technology

After the application of carbon dioxide fertilizer in vegetables, the effect of increasing production is very obvious. The yield increase of pepper, tomato, cucumber and other vegetables is generally 25%--43%. Application method Organic matter fermentation method. Human, animal excreta, crop s

Non-pollution cultivation technology of jack bean

Originating in western India, Central America, and the Caribbean, Conker has more than 1,500 years of cultivation history in China. Its capsules are rich in protein, and have blood circulation, kidney, stinging and other effects. Nen can be used for vegetables, fried foods, pickled are suitabl

Violet garlic cultivation benefits

In the cold regions of the north, the traditional method of planting purple garlic has always been spring planting and summer harvesting. There is not only the trouble of preserving garlic plants in winter, but also the production of garlic, and a small amount of garlic. In order to improve th

Wetland afforestation technology

The swamps in the northeast region are widely distributed, and they are mostly located on the banks of the Xiaoxing'anling Mountains, the Wanda Mountains, the mountain valleys of the Changbai Mountains, and the flat rivers. In addition, there are sporadic distributions in the mountains and

Restoration of Bonsai Broken Branches

The branches of the bonsai bonsai will inevitably be damaged, and even affect the shape of the pruning. Effective measures can be taken to restore the wounded branches or restore the original state. As long as the branches are not completely broken, even if only about half of the branches of t

Northern cultivation of chayote

First, the ecological habits of Chayote Chayote in the country of origin and southern China warm and humid climate conditions. The underground roots will not die in winter, and the vines will be regenerated in the spring of the following year. The flowering results will last for more than thre

Management must be strengthened after mining

In recent times, the magpies in the central area of ​​Guangdong have basically been picked up, transferred to the restoration of tree vigor, and cultivated the growth stages of the summer shoots. The northern part of Guangdong Province has just entered the fruit-picking period an

Torreya grandiflora grows quickly

Tree pods are fast-growing species. Their bark and seeds can be used as medicine, and their economic value is high. The production practice in recent years has proved that the use of root cutting method for the propagation of Toona sinensis is fast and the survival rate is high, which is a sho

Hang Baiji's planting technology

From late September to early October (1) Site preparation and land preparation: Choose sandy soil, black sand or alluvial loam where the terrain is high dry, soil permeability is good, sunlight is sufficient, soil is deep, and soil is loose. Pick a sunny day and plow till it is about 30 centim

April pear management major measures

1. Stubbles: Strong buds on the back of the main branch and sub-main branch, and buds near the cuts after cutting off the strong branch, bent parts of large branches, long branches with short branches after the big branches, and residual branches and branches after shearing of short fruit bran