Winter Breeding Yellow New Technology

Take root to cut out the leeks of Daejeon, dig up the roots, shake the soil, and then use wheat straw (or straw) to bind small bundles of about 10 cm in diameter and put them in the greenhouse. Greenhouse settings Greenhouses should be chosen where the leewards are sunny, digging pits 70 to 80

Late corn should not be used to shoot

Some peasant friends have matured the pulp as soon as possible and harvested it as early as possible. They then ripen the corn in the later stages of corn growth. In fact, this is very unscientific, and reducing the corn will reduce grain weight and reduce yield. According to comparison, in th

Spring seeds must be carefully checked

Checking the seeds is an important task before spring sowing. Because the quality of the seed has a great relationship with the seedling rate and seedling strength. In order to ensure the seedlings and seedlings of spring planting crops, it is necessary to select seeds that are full, orderly,

Podocarpa seed reproduction

Podocarpus is a genus of Podocarpus from Podocarpus. From April to May, the seed matures from August to September. When it turns green, it can be picked and ready for sowing. First, choose semi-shady site preparation, smooth drainage, soil fertile land. For a width of 60 cm and a height of 30

Cultivation Techniques of Corn Mulch Covering

Plastic film coverage is a new technology. Through large-scale promotion and practice, it has been proved that the large-scale production increase, high economic benefits, and wide application range are the few measures for increasing production and income in agricultural production. 1. Charac

Management of Orange Garden "Equinoxes"

During the "Equinox" and "Winter" period, it is the period when the fruit of the green mandarin enlargement and the autumn shoot that is the mother branch of the leap year begin to mature. During this period, the management of the citrus garden has a great relationship with

Grafting seedlings of watermelon

First, stock selection of rootstock and scion. Rootstocks are used for picking gourds; scion selects good varieties of watermelons that are easy to sell and suitable for local planting. Second, seedlings, preparation before broadcast. Seeds of rootstocks and scions are required to be mature an

Medicinal chrysanthemum cultivation techniques

1. Selection and Site Preparation: Choose fertile, loose, well-drained plots. Cuttings and nursery land still need to be watered to facilitate irrigation, planting sites to select high-desert dry place. According to the original fertility of the land, basal fertilization and tillering of crops

Detoxification potato film cultivation

As the main vegetable of urban and rural residents, potato contains a large amount of starch. The nutritional value of protein is also high, and it contains many kinds of vitamins and inorganic salts. Because of its full nutritional content, eating is very easy to digest and absorb deeply love