Garlic crucibles do produce carcinogenic acrylamide, but the amount is very small. This substance is a Class 2A carcinogen and is not a Class 1 carcinogen known to be carcinogenic to humans. Animal studies have shown that acrylamide has potential neurotoxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity, but studies have not confirmed the association between acrylamide intake, associated biochemical marker levels, and human cancer risk. Therefore, it cannot be said that as long as you use garlic to cook the pot, it will definitely increase the risk of cancer.

Recently, in a certain TV program, a guest took two kinds of vegetables after the garlic crucible to test, and the result showed that the carcinogen acrylamide was contained, and it was considered that the garlic crucible would cause cancer. Garlic crucible is a very common way of cooking, so this "anti-alriative" video content quickly spread on the social network, spread a dozen, and spread a few, causing some consumer concerns. So, can garlic casserole really cause cancer?

Garlic crucibles do produce carcinogenic acrylamide, but the amount is very small. This substance is a Class 2A carcinogen and is not a Class 1 carcinogen known to be carcinogenic to humans. Animal studies have shown that acrylamide has potential neurotoxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity, but studies have not confirmed the association between acrylamide intake, associated biochemical marker levels, and human cancer risk. Therefore, it cannot be said that as long as acrylamide is ingested, it will definitely increase the risk of cancer. The Hong Kong Centre for Food Safety sent 22 kinds of vegetable samples such as garlic, onion, zucchini, lettuce, spinach, bell pepper and eggplant to the laboratory to study the amount of acrylamide produced during the frying process. It was found that fried garlic produced acrylamide, but On average, only 0.2 micrograms of acrylamide can be produced per 1 gram of garlic. In addition, garlic is only used as an ingredient in the shabu-shabu. Generally, a few grams of garlic is enough, and the acrylamide that can be produced is limited.

Experts say that toxic substances such as “acrylamide” produced during the crucible process are actually by-products of the “Millard reaction” of food. The so-called "Millard reaction" refers to the non-enzymatic browning phenomenon in food processing and cooking, which is the key to producing aroma and deep color. As long as the food contains both carbohydrates (starch, sugar) or fat and protein, whether it is cooking, roasting, braising, frying, etc., or heating during food processing, the Maillard reaction may occur. ". Not only garlic crucibles produce acrylamide, but also acrylamide in foods such as coffee, potato chips and brown sugar.

About 500 years ago, the Swiss doctor and father of toxicology Paracelsus wrote in the book: "Everything contains toxins, nothing is completely non-toxic, and the dose is the key to determining the toxicity of the substance. The video on the Internet only mentions that garlic crucibles produce acrylamide, but there is no disclosure of acrylamide. According to this, it is simply concluded that the conclusion that "garlic crucible is carcinogenic" is not sufficient.

Of course, acrylamide is not beneficial to the human body. Zhong Kai, deputy director of the Kexin Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center, said that in order to reduce the intake of acrylamide, the oil should not be too hot when using garlic and the garlic is slightly yellowish. When cooking food daily, try to cook more stew, less frying, not too high temperature or too long heating time, help to reduce the formation of acrylamide. Pay attention to a balanced diet, reduce the intake of fried and high-fat foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, and reduce the impact of acrylamide.

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