The tulip belongs to the bulb plant, it needs to pass a certain low temperature stage, and can only flower normally after the flower stem is fully grown. Conventional cultivation is an ordinary cultivation method, and it is a cultivation method without supercooling a tulip bulb. First, prepare before planting Before planting the tulip, need to make a complete production plan, the plan includes choosing to arrange the planting place, how to obtain the preparation equipment of the tulip bulb production, the potted plant has to prepare to prepare the pot earth and the container. The tulip bulbs should be planted in deep, fertile sandy soils. The root growth of the tulip bulbs should avoid water accumulation. The selected topography must be drained. Planting lotus root, lotus root width is generally 30 cm deep, where the flat terrain should be deeper. For soil grown in the first year, if the soil is more viscous, two cubic peat and five kilograms of compound fertilizer can be used as base fertilizer for soil improvement every 100 square meters. Tulips should not be used as a continuous crop. The land where the tulips were planted in the previous year or so is best not planted. One month before the planting of tulips, the land should be subjected to deep-turning sun exposure to destroy the spores and remove weeds. Then select sunny weather, use 40% formalin 100 times liquid (depth of 10 cm or more) to disinfect the soil and cover it with a film. Coverage time is about one week. After removing the film, the soil is finely cut and ready for planting. Second, planting and planting in Xiangyang drainage well sandy loam soil, the general soil temperature stability below 12 °C can be considered when planting. After deep plowing, decomposed cow dung and other phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (7 to 10 g of potassium oxide per square meter and 13 to 15 grams of potassium oxide per square meter) should be applied to a depth of about 2 times the height of the bulb, and the spacing of the bulbs should be the diameter of the bulb. 2-3 times, no longer watering after covering the soil, but it must be covered with straw to increase soil moisture and prevent soil compaction. After the young shoots had just emerged from the leaves, a thin nitrogen fertilizer was applied; after budding, the fertilizer concentration was increased (10% fertilizer 90% water). Usually do not water during growth, as long as the soil is kept moist, if the weather is dry, you can pour 1-2 times permeate (wet depth of about 15 cm). As a cut flower, it should be cut when the buds are completely discolored, and the viewing period for the bottle insertion is about 10 days. The ball should be disinfected before planting. It can be soaked with potassium permanganate solution or formalin solution for 30 minutes and allowed to dry before planting. The density of productive cultivation can be controlled at 1212 cm or 1312 cm, depending on the species. Generally, the erect leaves are strong, and the dwarf varieties can be densely planted. If it is an exhibition planting, it can be placed in 20-25 centimeters. The planting depth is 4-5 centimeters from the top of the ball. After the cultivation, it is poured once to prevent drying and dehydration. Tulips are mostly potted plants, used as ground cover plants and medicinal plants. (Liaoning Provincial Seed Bureau)

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